The file contains a list of coal mining enterprises and their mines located in the territory uncontrolled by the government of Ukraine, where state authorities temporarily do not exercise their powers. The enterprises indicated in the table as of the time of occupation carried out production activities.
Information on the number of smart meters with remote reading and control installed in household consumers by distribution system operators (DSO). The level of equipment of consumers and the number of meters planned for installation are also indicated.
Data received from the data owner in response to the request.
Information on nominal capacity, operation status, annual number of operating hours and requirements for large combustion plants (Thermal Power Plants, Combined Heat and Power Plants, and large Boiler Plants) included in the National Emissions Reduction Plan (NERP). There is also information on the destruction of installations as a result of hostilities, as well as the location in temporarily uncontrolled territories.
NERP was approved by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of 08.11.2017 № 796-р and is a program document of the Government aimed at gradually reducing emissions of harmful substances into the air, implementing investment projects for the installation of equipment for cleaning exhaust gases and achieving European emission standards by combustion plants in accordance with the Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions.
Information on the consumption of coal, natural gas, fuel oil, liquid fuels, blast furnace and coke gases by large combustion plants (Thermal Power Plants, Combined Heat and Power Plants, and large Boiler Plants) included in the National Emissions Reduction Plan (NERP). Consumption volumes are indicated in natural (thousand tons, thousand m3) and energy (TJ) units.
NERP was approved by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of 08.11.2017 № 796-р and is a program document of the Government aimed at gradually reducing emissions of harmful substances into the air, implementing investment projects for the installation of equipment for cleaning exhaust gases and achieving European emission standards by combustion plants in accordance with the Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions.
Information on actual emissions of dust, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides by large combustion plants (Thermal Power Plants, Combined Heat and Power Plants, and large Boiler Plants) included in the National Emissions Reduction Plan (NERP). Information on the exchange of emissions volumes between plant operators and the deviation of the actual emissions from the ones planned according to the NERP is also indicated.
NERP was approved by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of 08.11.2017 № 796-р and is a program document of the Government aimed at gradually reducing emissions of harmful substances into the air, implementing investment projects for the installation of equipment for cleaning exhaust gases and achieving European emission standards by combustion plants in accordance with the Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions.
Information on imported energy coal: anthracite and gas coal to TPP and CHP warehouses. The data are presented by country of origin, coal mark and type of power plant.
Information regarding the volume of retail and wholesale fuel sales at petroleum stations, itemized by regions of Ukraine. Sales values are mentioned in percentage terms compared to respective values of previous month or respective month of previous year. The number of petroleum stations is also mentioned.
Due to the reduction of the reporting burden on respondents, since 2022 the Statistics Service has canceled the reporting form "On sales of the light oil products and gas", respectively, no data update is carried out from 01.01.2022.
Annual information on natural gas production itemized by extracting companies.
Information on the volumes of balance reserves of oil and condensate itemized by region.
Balance reserves - a group of reserves of mineral resources, which according to technical and economic calculations at the time of estimation can be economically effectively extracted and used (with the appropriate technique and technology of extraction).
Information on the volumes of balance reserves of coal itemized by region.
Balance reserves - a group of reserves of mineral resources, which according to technical and economic calculations at the time of estimation can be economically effectively extracted and used (with the appropriate technique and technology of extraction).
Information on the volumes of balance reserves of natural gas by region.
Balance reserves - a group of reserves of mineral resources, which according to technical and economic calculations at the time of estimation can be economically effectively extracted and used (with the appropriate technique and technology of extraction).
Information regarding tax and non-tax revenues from extractive companies during 2014-2021 (except 2020), provided within the framework of Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. The dataset contains a list of companies, revenue types, information regarding amounts paid, and discrepancies between data by extractive companies and public authorities.
Information on the number and installed capacity of solar power plants (SPP) of households, which have a "green" tariff. The data are presented in general in Ukraine according to Distribution System Operators (DSO) and Universal Service Suppliers (USS) as at the end of the reporting quarter.
Data for certain periods, including 2022, received from the data owner in response to the request.
Information on the amount of investments in renewable energy (RES) power plants, which have a "green" tariff and the amount of installed capacity according to the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine assesment. The data are calculated on the average annual rate of hryvnia according to the National Bank of Ukraine data.
The data do not include the temporarily occupied territory of AR Crimea. For the information, the total capacity of the facilities built before 2014 in AR Crimea amounted to 495 MW, and the total amount of investment - 800 million EUR.
Information on the conducting of energy efficiency certification for buildings, specifying the characteristics of the subject of certification (year of commissioning, number of floors, heated area, etc.) and data on certificates issued (energy efficiency class, date of issue, information about the performer of energy audit, etc.).
Certification is an energy audit that examines the building’s engineering systems, assess the adequacy of the design level of energy efficiency to meet the minimum requirements and provide recommendations for improving the energy efficiency of buildings that take into account local climatic conditions and are technically and economically feasible.
Information on the hourly power balance of the Integrated Power System (IPS) of Ukraine in terms of generation components: nuclear, cogeneration, renewable, thermal, hydroelectric, pumped storage power plants and volumes of electricity consumption. Electricity production by renewables takes into account the volumes of electricity produced by generating facilities of private households. Power consumption does not include pumping volumes of the PSPP. Interstate flows: EU, Moldova and up to 24.02.2022 Belarus and Russia.
Information on environmental protection costs of mining and processing enterprises with the indication of economic activities types.
Information on market participants on the balancing market with indication of the size of market share by command to upward and downward of electricity.
Information on market participants on the intra-day market (IDM) with indication of the size of market share by volume of sale and purchase of electricity.
For the trade zone "IPS of Ukraine" there are 50 largest participants, for the trade zone " Burshtyn TPP Island" – all participants.
Information on the volumes of use of crude oil and condensate itemized by regions and purpose of use. Information for 2019-2020 is not published in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On the State Statistics" regarding confidentiality of information.
Information on management of waste generated during production of coal, oil, natural gas, uranium ores, nuclear fuel, oil refining, production and distribution of electricity and gas. In particular, the volume of waste utilized, burned and accumulated in the specially designated places or facilities is specified.
Information on market participants on the day-ahead market (DAM) with indication of the size of market share by volume of sale and purchase of electricity. For the trade zone "IPS of Ukraine" there are 50 largest participants, for the trade zone " Burshtyn TPP Island" – all participants.
Information on the volume of waste generated during production of coal, oil, natural gas, uranium ores, nuclear fuel, oil refining, production and distribution of electricity and gas, etc.
Information on recipients of housing subsidies for housing and utilities services and fuel purchase, which are separately calculated for each of the services, aggregated by locality. In addition, the total and maximum amounts of subsidies awarded are indicated.
The subsidy for housing and utilities services covers the costs of gas supply (including transportation and distribution), electricity, heat, water supply, drainage, household waste removal and apartment building management services.
The fuel subsidy covers the cost of liquefied gas, solid and liquid heating oil for domestic use and is granted once a year in the event that the house is not supplied with electricity, heat or gas for heating purposes.
As of January 1, 2023, the Pension Fund of Ukraine has been designated as responsible for filling out the Unified State Register of Housing Subsidy Recipients. As of 2024, the regulatory and legal regulation of data publication powers between the Pension Fund and the Ministry of Social Policy is ongoing, accordingly, the data is temporarily not updated during this period.
Information on the distribution of housing subsidies by monetary amount for housing and utilities services and fuel purchase, aggregated by locality.
The subsidy for housing and utilities services covers the costs of gas supply (including transportation and distribution), electricity, heat, water supply, drainage, household waste removal and apartment building management services.
The fuel subsidy covers the cost of liquefied gas, solid and liquid heating oil for domestic use and is granted once a year in the event that the house is not supplied with electricity, heat or gas for heating purposes.
As of January 1, 2023, the Pension Fund of Ukraine has been designated as responsible for filling out the Unified State Register of Housing Subsidy Recipients. As of 2024, the regulatory and legal regulation of data publication powers between the Pension Fund and the Ministry of Social Policy is ongoing, accordingly, the data is temporarily not updated during this period.
Information on recipients of housing subsidies for housing and utilities services and fuel purchase, which are separately calculated for heating (from October 1 to April 30) and non-heating (from May 1 to September 30) seasons, aggregated by locality. In addition, the total and maximum amounts of subsidies awarded are indicated.
The subsidy for housing and utilities services covers the costs of gas supply (including transportation and distribution), electricity, heat, water supply, drainage, household waste removal and apartment building management services.
The fuel subsidy covers the cost of liquefied gas, solid and liquid heating oil for domestic use and is granted once a year in the event that the house is not supplied with electricity, heat or gas for heating purposes.
As of January 1, 2023, the Pension Fund of Ukraine has been designated as responsible for filling out the Unified State Register of Housing Subsidy Recipients. As of 2024, the regulatory and legal regulation of data publication powers between the Pension Fund and the Ministry of Social Policy is ongoing, accordingly, the data is temporarily not updated during this period.
The file shows the dynamics of the share of households, which lack the funds to maintain a sufficiently warm temperature in their housing during the heating season, as well as for payment for rent/mortgage or utilities. The data are provided in terms of countries. The indicators for Ukraine obtained according to the household survey conducted in October 2017.
The file shows the dynamics of the share of households, which lack the funds to maintain a sufficiently warm temperature in their housing during the heating season, as well as for payment for housing bills and necessary services for its maintenance or payment of gas for cooking.
The data are provided in terms of regions without temporarily occupied territories of AR Crimea, Sevastopol and part of the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Information on the number of consumers who lost natural gas supply due to hostilities and number of consumers for whom the natural gas supply has been restored generally in Ukraine. The file is formed from statistical reports of the Ministry of Energy "Operational update regarding the russian invasion" and is presented in daily detail. Data on the number of consumers without electricity supply and electricity recovery are available by link.
Information on installed capacity of solar power plants (SPP) of households, which have a "green" tariff, according to Distribution System Operators (DSO) and Universal Service Suppliers (USS). The data are presented by region as at the end of the reporting quarter.
Information on payments for supplied electricity by region, supplier (oblenergo), and consumer category.
Information on the number and installed capacity of the facilities that produce thermal energy from biomass under license by the regions of Ukraine. The indicators were obtained according to the regional state administrations.
The file shows the dynamics of the share of households, which lack the funds to maintain a sufficiently warm temperature in their housing during the heating season, as well as for payment for housing bills and necessary services for its maintenance or payment of gas for cooking, generally in Ukraine.
These indicators were obtained by the State Statistics Service on the basis of data of self-evaluation by households of availability of certain goods and services, which is carried out once for 2 years.
The data are provided without temporarily occupied territories of AR Crimea, Sevastopol and part of the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Information on compensations provided to electricity consumers for nonobservance of guaranteed quality standards of service provision, particularly for power interruptions over 24 hours and unsatisfactory quality of electricity. Data is presented in electricity distribution licensees, specifying the amount of compensation provided and the number of consumers.
Data for 2021 are not published by the data controller.
Data for 2022 contain indicators for January-June.
Information on the number of appeals by consumers to call centres of electricity suppliers according to the subject of the appeals.
Data for 2022 contain indicators for January-June.
Information on the number of consumer appeals to the Distribution System Operators (DSO) call centres by appeal topics.
Data for 2022 contain indicators for January-June.
Information on the quality of services provided to consumers by electricity suppliers. Key indicators: the total number of services and the number of requests with the exceeded execution time.
Information on the consumption of primary energy – such that it has not been subjected to any human engineered conversion process. The data are presented in terms of countries and parts of the world. The share of consumed energy from the total consumption for each country is also mentioned.