Information on market participants who was given the status of "pre-default" or "default" in accordance with paragraphs 1.7.1 and 1.7.4 of the Market Rules, approved by the NEURC Resolution of 14.03.2018 № 307.

If the status of "pre-default" lasts for more than two working days, the market participant becomes "default". The loss of the status of "default" occurs after the termination of the agreement on imbalance settlement concluded between the market participant and the Transmission System Operator (TSO).

Update date 06.10.2024 Daily
Data for period 01.10.2021 - 06.10.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on dynamics of natural gas volumes in underground storages of European countries, detailed by storage facilities. Key indicators include: volume and share of gas in storage facilities, annual consumption, maximum and actual volume of gas injection and withdrawal, dynamics of changes in reserves and others.

Update date 06.10.2024 Daily
Data for period 01.01.2011 - 04.10.2024
Organization Aggregated Gas Storage Inventory (AGSI+)

Information on dynamics of natural gas volumes in underground storages of European operators, detailed by countries. Key indicators include: volume and share of gas in storage facilities, annual consumption, maximum and actual volume of gas injection and withdrawal, dynamics of changes in reserves and others.

Update date 06.10.2024 Daily
Data for period 02.01.2011 - 04.10.2024
Organization Aggregated Gas Storage Inventory (AGSI+)

Daily information on the capacities of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification and storage facilities capacities in the range of terminals and operators operating in the EU.

LNG regasification is a process of converting liquefied natural gas from a liquid state into a gaseous state, after which it becomes suitable for normal use - supply through pipelines to consumers and pumping into gas tanks.

Detailed explanations of separate indicators and their retrospective changes from the order can be found at the link.

Update date 06.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 31.12.2011 - 04.10.2024
Organization Aggregated LNG Storage Inventory (ALSI)

Information on the aggregate market price indicators of the day-ahead market (DAM), namely: the cost of electricity during the period of base, peak and off-peak load, minimum, maximum and weighted average price of electricity indicating the trade zone.

Update date 06.10.2024 Daily
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 06.10.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on the price indicators of the intraday electricity market (IDM), namely the minimum, maximum and last price of electricity, the declared and actual sale and purchase of electricity and the demand indicating the trade zone.

Update date 06.10.2024 Daily
Data for period 07.01.2019 - 05.10.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on market price indicators of the day-ahead market (DAM), namely: price, declared and actual sale and purchase of electricity, and demand indicating the trade zone.

Update date 06.10.2024 Daily
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 06.10.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on the electricity price indexes of the base, peak and off-peak load, which were formed on the Intraday Market (IDM) in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries: Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, as well as the Czech Republic.

By February 24, 2022, two separate trade zones "Burshtyn TPP Island" and "Integrated Power System of Ukraine" existed because of the technical features of the Ukrainian energy system. In order to test the stability of the energy system in preparation for integration with ENTSO-E, the 24.02.2022 Ukrainian energy network was disconnected from the networks of all neighbouring countries (except Moldova), and the internal systems were synchronized. Since that moment, there is a single trading zone for the entire energy system of Ukraine. It should be noted that until February 24, indicators for Ukraine were calculated for the trade zone of the main part of the IPS of Ukraine, excluding the Burshtyn TPP Island.

Update date 06.10.2024 Daily
Data for period 27.08.2019 - 04.10.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on the electricity price indexes of the base, peak and off-peak load, which were formed on the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries: Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary.

By February 24, 2022, two separate trade zones "Burshtyn TPP Island" and "Integrated Power System of Ukraine" existed because of the technical features of the Ukrainian energy system. In order to test the stability of the energy system in preparation for integration with ENTSO-E, the 24.02.2022 Ukrainian energy network was disconnected from the networks of all neighbouring countries (except Moldova), and the internal systems were synchronized. Since that moment, there is a single trading zone for the entire energy system of Ukraine.

Update date 06.10.2024 Daily
Data for period 27.08.2019 - 05.10.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on the structure of sale and purchase of electricity on the intraday market (IDM) by the subjects of trade activity, indicating the trade zone, amount and share of accepted and declared electricity and the weighted average price of bids.

Update date 06.10.2024 Daily
Data for period 07.01.2019 - 04.10.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on the structure of sale and purchase of electricity on the day-ahead market (DAM) by the subjects of trade activity, indicating the trade zone, amount and share of accepted and declared electricity and the weighted average price of bids.

Update date 06.10.2024 Daily
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 05.10.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

List of business entities engaged in activities in the fields of energy and utilities, the activities of which are regulated by the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC). The file includes the name of the entity, the number and list of valid licenses, as well as the region of the legal address.

Update date 04.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 31.12.2023 - 30.09.2024
Organization NEURC

Information on the number of settlements and consumers who lost electricity supply due to hostilities and number of consumers for whom the electricity supply has been restored generally in Ukraine. The file is formed from statistical reports of the Ministry of Energy "Operational update regarding the russian invasion" and is presented in daily detail. Detailed data on the number of consumers without electricity supply and electricity recovery by regions are available by links: Ministry of Energy data, DSOs data.

Update date 04.10.2024 Not regularly
Data for period 01.03.2022 - 04.10.2024
Organization Ministry of Energy of Ukraine

Daily information on volumes of physical transmission of natural gas broken down by domestic and transborder interconnection points of Ukrainian gas transmission system.

Following the introduction of martial law, information on volumes of physical transmission of natural gas through the Ukrainian GTS connection points has been designated as information with restricted access. Therefore, since mid-February 2022, the data do not include figures for Ukraine.

Update date 04.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2020 - 01.10.2024
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

Daily information on the allocated capacities of Ukrainian gas transmission system (GTS) broken down by types of interconnection points and types of capacities (yearly, quarterly, monthly, day-ahead, within-day).

With the introduction of the martial law, information on the allocated capacities of Ukrainian interconnection points has been designated as information with restricted access. Therefore, since mid-February 2022 data on Ukraine are not updated.

Update date 04.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2020 - 30.09.2025
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC
Information on daily inflow of natural gas into Ukrainian GTS from neighbouring transmission systems of Hungary, Slovakia and Poland.
Update date 04.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 16.03.2016 - 01.10.2024
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

NEURC registry of licensees is a list of economic entities that have been licensed to conduct economic activities in the field of energy, in particular:

  • electricity and heat production;
  • natural gas, oil, oil products and heat transportation;
  • electricity and natural gas distribution;
  • electricity, natural gas and heat supply;
  • natural gas storage;
  • trading activities implementation, etc.

The registry of licensees is formed and maintained by the NEURC and contains information on economic entities (name, type of economic activity, region, telephone number, e-mail address, website) and information on NEURC resolution on the issuance of a license.

Update date 04.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.1996 - 30.09.2024
Organization NEURC

Information of sales volume of industrial products of the mining and processing industry, as well as electricity, gas and steam supply. Starting from 2022, the data is detailed by the volumes of product sales separately within and outside the country.

Update date 04.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2014 - 01.06.2024
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information on the amount of losses caused by the energy infrastructure and utilities of Ukraine as a result of the war. Also indicated the amount of needs in restoration of destroyed objects.

The file is formed from analytical reports of the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) together with the relevant ministries of Ukraine prepared within the framework of the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the Consequences of the War.

Update date 04.10.2024 Not regularly
Data for period 24.03.2022 - 31.05.2024
Organization Kyiv School of Economics (KSE)

Information on industrial turnover indices, which show short-term changes in the volume of sold products of mining and manufacturing. It is calculated as a weighted average of the respective individual turnover indices for each type of activity.

Data exclude the temporarily occupied territory of the AR of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and a part of temporarily occupied territories in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Update date 03.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2011 - 01.06.2024
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine
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