Information on natural gas distribution tariffs itemized by distribution system operators. The date and number of the NEURC resolution, imposing tariff, is also mentioned.
Information on the average price (including all taxes and levies) for natural gas for household and non-household consumers in Ukraine and other European countries. Prices are differentiated depending on the annual consumption of natural gas and are presented separately in heat units (euro/GJ) and in units of energy (euro/kWh).
Information regarding the volume of electricity production by generation facilities connected to the networks of Distribution System Operators (DSOs).
The data is obtained from Distribution network development plans developed by each DSO, which include necessary forecasted volumes for new construction, reconstruction, and technical modernization of the distribution system for the next 5 years, with determination of required investments and timelines for implementing relevant measures.
The list of operators for which data was collected is provided in the Methodology.
Information on the number of consumers (households), not equipped with commercial gas metering devices. The data is broken down by distribution system operators (DSO) and by types of gas consumption (for cooking, water heating, multi-purpose, etc.)
Information on the competition on the retail natural gas market, namely the shares market structure by volume of natural gas supply to consumers. Among the suppliers: DTEK, Regional Gas Company, Naftogaz, Tviy Gaszbut and others.
Information on the number of active enterprises whose activities are related to the production of goods and the provision of services in the energy sector. The data are presented by regions indicating the types of economic activity as of November 1 of each year.
Information on the supply and consumption of fuel at the TPPs and CHPs, in particular gas and anthracite coal, natural gas and fuel oil. The data are presented on selected stations and indicate the enterprises to which they belong.
Information on fuel reserves at TPP and CHP warehouses are available by link.
Information on fuel reserves at the TPPs and CHPs, in particular gas and anthracite coal, natural gas and fuel oil. The data are presented on selected stations and indicate the enterprises to which they belong.
Information on fuel supply and use at TPPs and CHPs are available by link.
The file contains information about the financial position of enterprises engaged in the production of goods and provision of services in the energy sector, reflecting their assets, liabilities, and equity as of a certain date. The data is obtained from the financial statements of enterprises (Form No. 1 Balance Sheet. Statement of Financial Position).
Unit of measurement: thousand UAH without the decimal point.
Information on the actual gross electricity consumption (including losses in electricity networks) and net consumption (excluding losses in electricity networks) for Ukraine, excluding data from the temporarily occupied territories of AR Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Structure of actual electricity consumption in Ukraine by consumer groups, excluding temporarily occupied territories of AR Crimea, Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Information on foreign trade in oil and petroleum products obtained on the basis of impersonal customs declarations of the State Customs Service. The file contains information on specific export-import operations for headings UCG FEA "2709" - crude oil and petroleum products (gas condensate) and "2710" – oil and petroleum products, other than crude (diesel fuel, gasoline, oils, etc.) Key indicators include the country of origin, the country of dispatch or destination, the weight and price of the goods, the type of declaration, etc.
Information on specific export-import operations is information entered by declarants into customs declarations in accordance with the procedure established by law for customs clearance of goods in import and export customs regimes.
Information on foreign trade in electricity obtained on the basis of impersonal customs declarations of the State Customs Service. The file contains information on specific export-import operations for the heading UCG FEA "2716" - electricity. Key indicators include the country of origin, the country of dispatch or destination, the weight and price of the goods, the type of declaration, etc.
Information on specific export-import operations is information entered by declarants into customs declarations in accordance with the procedure established by law for customs clearance of goods in import and export customs regimes.
Information on foreign trade in hydrocarbons in gaseous state obtained on the basis of impersonal customs declarations of the State Customs Service. The file contains information on specific export-import operations for the heading UCG FEA "2711" - petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons (natural gas, propane, butanes, ethylene, propylene, butylene, butadiene, etc.). Key indicators include the country of origin, the country of dispatch or destination, the weight and price of the goods, the type of declaration, etc.
Information on specific export-import operations is information entered by declarants into customs declarations in accordance with the procedure established by law for customs clearance of goods in import and export customs regimes.
Note: customs clearance of a significant amount of gas (code 2711) imported in 2014-2016 was carried out in December 2022 - State Customs Service.
Information on foreign trade in coal obtained on the basis of impersonal customs declarations of the State Customs Service. The file contains information on specific export-import operations for headings UCG FEA "2701" - coal, anthracite, solid fuel and "2702" - lignite (brown coal). Key indicators include the country of origin, the country of dispatch or destination, the weight and price of the goods, the type of declaration, etc.
Information on specific export-import operations is information entered by declarants into customs declarations in accordance with the procedure established by law for customs clearance of goods in import and export customs regimes.
Information on the structure of tariffs for electricity supply services for each Universal Service Supplier (USS), which is set by the NEURC together with tariffs for electricity supply. Key indicators are: cost components that are included in the tariff calculation and costs in the current tariff.
Information on tariffs for electricity supply services for each Universal Service Supplier (USS) and information on the NEURC resolutions that regulate the setting of appropriate tariffs.
The tariff is calculated in accordance with the tariff structure established by the NEURC, and the tariff includes economically justified costs and calculated profit.
Information about the planned volume of gas distribution during the year, which is set by the NEURC together with tariffs and by which all tariff revenues are divided, is provided by the cost structure of regional gas companies. The number and date of the resolution, which contained information about the planned volume of distribution, are also indicated.
Information on the results of annual auctions on access to the capacity of Ukraine's cross-border electrical networks by direction of electricity supply. Key indicators include the date of the beginning and end of the auction reserve, the maximum and allocated capacity of cross-border networks, the limit price of electricity and information about the auction winning company, which acquired the right to export and/or import electricity.
According to the Ministry’s Resolution № 2452 of 01.12.2021, annual auctions on access to the capacity of cross-border electrical networks for 2022 are not planned.
Information on excise tax on fuel established in Ukraine since 2011.
Tax rates are determined by subparagraph 215.3.4 of Article 215 of the Tax Code of Ukraine and are set for different groups of goods according to the Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity (UCG FEA).
Information on the structure of tariffs for electricity distribution services according to the COST+ methodology, which is set by the NEURC together with tariffs for electricity distribution. Key indicators are: cost components that are included in the tariff calculation and costs in the current tariff.
As of 2024, 6 DSOs operate according to the "COST+" methodology, the rest – using the Regulatory Asset Base (RAB regulation).
Information on the structure of tariffs for transmission services by trunk and interstate electrical networks by the Transmission System Operator (TSO) NPC "Ukrenergo". Key indicators are: cost components that are included in the tariff calculation and costs in the current tariff.
NPC "Ukrenergo" as TSO provides transmission of electric power by trunk and interstate networks with a voltage of 110-750 kV from generation to the networks of Distribution System Operators (DSOs) with compliance with electricity and transmission quality criteria and it is responsible for the maintenance, reconstruction and development of the transmission system.
Information on tariffs for transmission services by trunk and interstate electrical networks established for the Transmission System Operator (TSO) NPC "Ukrenergo" by Regulator (NEURC).
The file contains information about the period of validity of the tariff, the date and the resolution number, which is set the tariff, and since 2023 the tariff is differentiated by the type of users.
Information on the structure of tariffs for services of dispatch (operational and technological) control of the integrated power system (IPS) of Ukraine by the Transmission System Operator (TSO) NPC Ukrenergo. Key indicators are: cost components that are included in the tariff calculation and costs in the current tariff.
Information on tariffs for services of dispatch (operational and technological) control of the integrated power system (IPS) of Ukraine, which are established for the Transmission System Operator (TSO) NPC Ukrenergo by Regulator (NEURC).
In terms of dispatch control, Ukrenergo ensures:
- transmission through the main networks from generation to distribution networks;
- technical maintenance, reconstruction, and development of the transmission system;
- centralized dispatch control of the power system to ensure a balance between electricity production and consumption;
- synchronous operation of the power system of Ukraine with the power grid of continental Europe (ENTSO-E);
- the ability to import and export electric power;
- prevention of violations of the power system operation modes, emergencies of systemic importance, ensuring the integrity of the power system of Ukraine.
Information on the structure of tariffs for electricity distribution services based on the Regulatory Asset Base (RAB), which is set by the NEURC together with tariffs for electricity distribution. Key indicators are: cost components that are included in the tariff calculation and costs in the current tariff.
RAB regulation is a system of long-term tariff formation, the main purpose of which is to attract investment in the development and modernization of electrical networks and stimulate the efficiency of DSOs' costs. Such regulation helps to reduce the cost and shorten the period of connection to the power grids of new consumers, improve the quality of the distribution service to existing consumers and reduce the loss of electricity in the networks.
As of 2024, 26 DSOs operate using RAB regulation, the rest - according to the "COST+" method.
One of the main indicators of the reliability (continuity) of electricity supply is the system average interruption duration index (SAIDI), calculated as the ratio of the cumulative length of long breaks at commercial power accounting points where power supply was interrupted during the reporting period to the total number of commercial counting posts.
The file contains information on the distribution of the number of long power breaks in the system according to their duration.
Data for 2021-2022 is received from the NEURC upon request.
Information on the capital invested in enterprises of extractive (extraction of natural gas, coal, oil, and other raw materials) and processing industries (production of coke and oil refining products), as well as in the supply of electricity, gas, and heat.
Capital investments include expenses for the acquisition or creation of assets: tangible (buildings and engineering structures, machinery and vehicles, equipment, land, etc.) and intangible (software and databases, copyright, patents, licenses, the right to use natural resources, etc.).
Information on the volumes of fuel usage, including natural gas, coal, gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, biofuels, biogas, and other types of fuel. The data is itemized by regions and purposes of use: conversion into other fuels and energy; own consumption by the energy sector; for non-energy purposes; final consumption; losses during distribution, transportation and storage.
Information on the quality standards for the provision of electricity transmission services by the Transmission System Operator (TSO) to consumers and the amount of compensation to consumers for nonobservance with them. The relevant power supply quality standards came into force on 24.10.2018 under NEURC Resolution № 375 of 12.06.2018.
The dataset contains the information regarding the use of natural gas itemized by regions and purposes of use: conversion into other fuels and energy; own consumption by the energy sector; for non-energy purposes; final consumption; losses during distribution, transportation and storage.
Information on foreign trade in hydrocarbons in gaseous state with following UCGFEA codes (Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity): 2711110000 - natural gas, liquified 2711120000 - propane 2711130000 - butanes 2711140000 - Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene 2711210000- natural gas Data is itemized by partner countries. Key indicators: balance of foreign trade, customs value per unit of product, tax burden, etc.
Note: customs clearance of a significant amount of gas (code 2711) imported in 2014-2016 was carried out in December 2022 - State Customs Service.
Information regarding foreign trade in coal according to the following Harmonized System (HS) chapter codes: anthracite (2701110000); butuminous coal (2701121000 and 2701129000); coal briquettes, ovoids and similar manufactured solid fuels (2701200000); and other coal (2701190000). Key indicators are turnover by directions of supply, cost of exported and imported volumes, balance, import revenues and the tax burden and others.
Information regarding foreign trade of electricity (Harmonized System (HS) chapter code 2716). Key indicators are turnover by directions of supply, cost of exported and imported volumes, balance, import revenues and the tax burden and others.
Information on the volumes of heat used for production, operational and economic needs of enterprises without considering the volumes supplied to the households, detailed by types of economic activity.
There are cases where data is skipped. These data are confidential and are not published in order to comply with the requirements of the Law "On State Statistics" on the confidentiality of statistical information.
Information on the volume of electricity used for production, operational and business needs of enterprises without taking into account the volume supplied to the households in accordance with NACE.