Information on Day-Ahead (DAM) and Intra-Day (IDM) markets participants with indication of the status of the participant (active / suspended).
Information on the electricity generated by private households purchased by Universal Service Suppliers (USS) according to the model of assignment of special duties (PSO).
Information on the average price (including all taxes and levies) for natural gas for household and non-household consumers in Ukraine and other European countries. Prices are differentiated depending on the annual consumption of natural gas and are presented separately in heat units (euro/GJ) and in units of energy (euro/kWh).
Information on the average price (including all taxes and levies) for electricity for household and non-household consumers in Ukraine and other European countries. Prices are differentiated depending on annual electricity consumption.
Information on the ownership structure of gas Distribution System Operators (GDSO). The section of each DSO contains information about the owner of the securities and the size of his share in the company's capital, as well as information about the securities (form of issue, nominal value and quantity).
Information on the ownership structure of the electricity Distribution System Operators (DSO). The section of each DSO contains information about the owner of the securities and the size of his share in the company's capital, as well as information about the securities (form of issue, nominal value and quantity).
Information on consumption (in percent) of electricity by household and non-household consumers in Ukraine and other European countries, differentiated depending on annual electricity consumption.
The file contains information on income, expenses and results of activities of enterprises whose activities are related to the production of goods and the provision of services in the energy sector. Data are obtained from reports of enterprises on financial results (form No. 2).
Unit of measurement: thousand UAH without the decimal point.
The file contains information about the financial position of enterprises engaged in the production of goods and provision of services in the energy sector, reflecting their assets, liabilities, and equity as of a certain date. The data is obtained from the financial statements of enterprises (Form No. 1 Balance Sheet. Statement of Financial Position).
Unit of measurement: thousand UAH without the decimal point.
Information on market participants' bids for selling electricity on the day-ahead market (DAM) with specified volumes and prices for each hour of the day.
Information on the number of smart meters with remote reading and control installed in household consumers by distribution system operators (DSO). The level of equipment of consumers and the number of meters planned for installation are also indicated.
Data received from the data owner in response to the request.
Information on excise tax on fuel established in Ukraine since 2011.
Tax rates are determined by subparagraph 215.3.4 of Article 215 of the Tax Code of Ukraine and are set for different groups of goods according to the Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity (UCG FEA).
Information on the number of consumers who lost electricity supply due to hostilities and number of consumers for whom the electricity supply has been restored. The file is formed from statistical reports of the Ministry of Energy "Operational update regarding the russian invasion" and is presented in daily detail by regions. In the reports, the data controller often skips some data for particular regions, as a result, it is not possible to calculate the total value for Ukraine independently, but it is available in the general file about the number of consumers without electricity supply and electricity recovery in Ukraine by link.
Information on the hourly power balance of the Integrated Power System (IPS) of Ukraine in terms of generation components: nuclear, cogeneration, renewable, thermal, hydroelectric, pumped storage power plants and volumes of electricity consumption. Electricity production by renewables takes into account the volumes of electricity produced by generating facilities of private households. Power consumption does not include pumping volumes of the PSPP. Interstate flows: EU, Moldova and up to 24.02.2022 Belarus and Russia.
Information on the number of consumers and settlements who lost natural gas supply due to hostilities and number of consumers for whom the natural gas supply has been restored. The file is formed from official messages of local gas Distribution Network Operators (DNO) and Regional Military Administrations (RMA) and is presented in daily detail by regions.
Data on the number of consumers without electricity supply and electricity recovery are available by link.
Information on the capital invested in enterprises of extractive (extraction of natural gas, coal, oil, and other raw materials) and processing industries (production of coke and oil refining products), as well as in the supply of electricity, gas, and heat.
Capital investments include expenses for the acquisition or creation of assets: tangible (buildings and engineering structures, machinery and vehicles, equipment, land, etc.) and intangible (software and databases, copyright, patents, licenses, the right to use natural resources, etc.).
Information on receiving by the energy system of Ukraine of technical assistance with electricity from the EU countries. There is also information about cases when emergency assistance was provided by Ukraine.
Emergency assistance is an urgent supply of electricity from another country at the request of the system operator if internal reserves and means to avoid simultaneous shutdown of a large number of consumers have already been exhausted. It differs from imports in that it is an emergency measure to overcome an emergency situation and the need for it cannot be predicted in advance.
Ukraine has signed an agreement on multilateral emergency assistance with 15 system operators of the European energy association ENTSO-E. It allows Ukrenergo to seek help in unforeseen situations, such as Russian attacks on the company's energy infrastructure.
Information on the number of missile and drone attacks by russia on Ukraine's power generation facilities. The data is provided with a breakdown by regions where the strikes occurred.
Information on the amount of electricity consumption by household and non-household consumers throughout the year and the number of consumers in each category.
Information on the annual volumes of electricity production by types of power plants: NPPs, TPPs, CHP plants, block-type stations, HPPs, PSHPPs, RES.
Information on planned and actual investments in trunk (interstate) power grids aimed at implementing measures for technical re-equipment, reconstruction and construction of power facilities of the transmission system.
Information on planned and actual investments in electricity distribution grids aimed at improving the quality of electricity distribution services, the energy efficiency of electricity grids, increasing their transfer capacity, reducing the technological costs of electricity in electricity grids, etc.
Information on average weighted "green" tariffs of electricity producers from renewable energy sources (RES).
Information on financial results of companies itemized by NCEA (National classification of economic activity) divisions. Among the key indicators are cumulative profit or loss of enterprises of given economic branch and total balance. Additionally, the share of profitable and unprofitable companies engaged in given branch of economic activity is mentioned.
Information on financial results of companies itemized by NCEA (National classification of economic activity) classes. Among the key indicators are cumulative profit or loss of enterprises of given economic branch and total balance. Additionally, the share of profitable and unprofitable companies engaged in given branch of economic activity in absolute numbers and percentage terms is mentioned. Data for the years 2010-2020 were partially not made public in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine On the State Statistics regarding confidentiality of statistical information (primary and secondary blocking of vulnerable values).
Information on the total trade volume of electricity under bilateral contracrs in terms of hours.
Information on the volume of emissions of pollutants (SO2, NO2, CO, non-methane volatile organic compounds) and carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmospheric air from stationary emission sources. Data is presented by types of economic activities: coal mining; production of coke and petroleum products; supply of electricity, gas, and heat.
The report on the NNEGC Energoatom State Enterprise's financial results contains information about revenues, expenses, financial results of the enterprise, and total revenues in annual detail.
Information on the volume of emissions of pollutants (SO2, NO2, CO, ammonia, mercury, cadmium, lead, chromium, copper, nickel, and others) into the atmospheric air from stationary emission sources. Data is presented by emission sources: combustion in the energy sector; emissions during extraction; transformation and use of solid fuels; oil processing and storage; distribution of oil products; electricity production, etc.
Information about the quality of processing customer calls by the call centers of the Distribution System Operators (DSO, annual data). Key indicators: number of incoming calls, share of lost calls, level of service within 30 seconds, time in the call queue, and the number of calls handled by one operator (per shift).
Information about the quality of customer call processing by the call centers of electricity suppliers (annual data). Key indicators: number of incoming calls, share of lost calls, level of service within 30 seconds, time in the call queue and number of calls handled by one operator (per shift).
Information on the actual values of the average duration of long interruptions in the system (SAIDI), which occurred due to the fault of companies or due to planned interruptions, is structured by electricity distribution licensees. The data are calculated as the ratio of the total duration of outages per year to the total number of customers.
Data for 2021-2022 is received from the NEURC upon request.
Information on the actual values of the average duration of long outages in the system (SAIDI), which took place for urban and rural settlements, structured according to the electricity distribution licenses. The data are calculated as the ratio of the total duration of outages per year to the total number of customers.
Data for 2021-2022 is received from the NEURC upon request.
Information on environmental investments of mining and processing enterprises with the indication of economic activities types. In particular, the volume of investments for protection of atmospheric air, water purification, protection and soil rehabilitation, waste management and other measures is mentioned.
Data for 2020 are not available due to the fact that the administrator has published general indicators of investments, without detailing them by type of activity.
A product energy balance is a balance sheet of an individual energy product that shows the origin of the product (production, imports, diminished reserves) and the direction of its use (export, increase in reserves, cost of conversion, non-energy use, final energy consumption), measured in units that correspond to the energy product under consideration.
Product balances are formed for each energy product, regardless of its volume. They are considered as the main accounting tools for constructing the overall energy balance, and for generating high-order agglomerated data
Information on total amount of fuelwood harvested in Ukraine.
The term "fuelwood" includes wood products which are used as fuel for cooking, heating or energy production, wood from main trunks, branches and other parts of trees, wood products used to produce charcoal, pellets and other agglomerates and wood chips derived from roundwood directly in the forest to be used as fuel.
Information on the amount of fuelwood harvested by the regions of Ukraine.
The term "fuelwood" includes wood products which are used as fuel for cooking, heating or energy production, wood from main trunks, branches and other parts of trees, wood products used to produce charcoal, pellets and other agglomerates and wood chips derived from roundwood directly in the forest to be used as fuel.