Daily information on volumes of physical transmission of natural gas broken down by domestic and transborder interconnection points of Ukrainian gas transmission system.Following the introduction of …
Information on unbalanced values of the reception and return of electric power between the main networks of the Integrated Power System (IPS) of Ukraine and the energy systems of neighbouring countri…
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Information on the actual values of the average long power outages (SAIDI) caused by companies, planned interruptions or as a result of force majeure, structured by licensees for the distribution of …
One of the main indicators of the reliability (continuity) of electricity supply is the system average interruption duration index (SAIDI), calculated as the ratio of the cumulative length of long br…
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Information on the amount of road transportation of coal, gas, uranium, oil and oil products in domestic and international traffic, detailed by groups and types of cargo.The data are cumulative - rep…
Information on the amount of freight transport of coal, coke, oil and oil products by rail. The data are detailed by type of cargo according to the operational data of Ukrainian Railways JSC. The dat…
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Information on the amount of own heat losses of NEURC licensees in heating networks by regions.
Information on the technological electricity losses in the distribution system of 1 and 2 voltage classes by licensees for the distribution of electricity.
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Information regarding planned cost structure of distribution system operators, imposed by the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC) together with distribution tariffs. The data …
Information on the structure of tariffs for electricity distribution services based on the Regulatory Asset Base (RAB), which is set by the NEURC together with tariffs for electricity distribution. K…
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Information on the volume of liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports by European countries indicating partner countries. LNG volumes are indicated in cubic units - cubic meters and energy units - terajou…
Daily information on the capacities of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification and storage facilities capacities in the range of terminals and operators operating in the EU.LNG regasification …
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2 resources
Information on the transfer capacity of cross-border electrical networks for each settlement period. In hourly detail, given the information on the net and available transfer capacity of the cross-bo…
Information on capacity of transborder interconnection points of Ukrainian GTS, containing in Annual Reports on the results of the security monitoring of natural gas supply.
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13 resources
Information on the debts of gas DSOs owed to the TSO for natural gas withdrawn from gas transmission system (negative imbalances). Operators are itemized by the groups of companies, to which they bel…
Information on the base price of natural gas, which is calculated by the TSO, based on its expenditures for purchase, transmission and storage of natural gas. This price is used for calculating addit…
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Information on natural gas distribution tariffs itemized by distribution system operators. The date and number of the NEURC resolution, imposing tariff, is also mentioned.
Tariffs for electricity distribution are set (including revision and refinement, in particular among the forecast year) by the NEURC for each DSO. The file contains the average annual rates for elect…
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Information on planned and actual investments in trunk (interstate) power grids aimed at implementing measures for technical re-equipment, reconstruction and construction of power facilities of the t…
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1 resource
Information on planned and actual outages on cross-border lines for servicing, repair, testing, etc., as well as limitations on the amount of available capacity of cross-border lines.
Information on net and gross heating value of natural gas supplied to household and non-household consumers. Additionally, number of passports of physical and chemical parameters of natural gas is me…
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4 resources
Information on the dynamics of change of tariffs for oil transportation through trunk pipelines of Ukrtransnafta JSC.
Information on the multipliers applied to tariffs for natural gas transmission depending on duration of GTS capacity reservation - day, month quarter. Data is available for both domestic and transbor…
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13 resources
Daily information on the volumes of transmission of natural gas in/from Ukrainian gas transmission system (GTS) in short-haul and/or customs warehouse regimes. Customs warehouse - service of undergro…
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1 resource
Information on the number of agreements for the distribution of electricity between consumers and distribution system operators (DSO) by licensee.
Information on the number of standard and non-standard connections and the amount of the connected capacity as a result of the provision of connection services by licensees for the distribution and t…
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2 resources