Information on the amount of marine transportation of bulk freights (coal and coke), liquid freights (oil and oil products) and packing and piece freights (oil products in packing) transported in domestic and international traffic, detailed by groups and types of freights.
The data are cumulative - reported by the accumulated total since the beginning of the year. The data do not include the transport of freights by individual entrepreneurs and do not include the temporarily occupied territory of Autonomic Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol city and part of the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Data for 2021 are not available due to the lack of freight transportation and the fact that part of the indicators belong to confidential data that are not published in order to comply with the requirements of the Law "On State Statistics" on the confidentiality of statistical information.
Information on gas reserves itemized by underground natural gas storages (UGS) from 15 July 2020. Besides, the information is given on the volumes of natural gas injected in and withdrawn from the storages as well as the project capacity of the storages. Historical data on Ukrainian UGSs can be found in the resource "Natural gas in Ukrainian UGS (archive)". The resource is temporarily not updated as data administrator suspended the publication of primary data. Beginning from 5 November 2021, the resource doesn't contain information on Verhunske UGS, which is located on temporarily occupied territory.
Information on the debts of district heating enterprises (TKE) for natural gas supplied by Naftogaz JSC. In particular, the resources contains USREOU code of the debtor and amount of debt as well as debts accrued since the beginning of reporting year. Data is cumulative. Note, that the resource contains information only regarding the biggest debtors, that's why regional debt values containing in the resource "Debts of TKE enterprises to Naftogaz of Ukraine JSC (by regions)" do not match respective aggregated values of these resource.
The data is historical as it is related to the debts under supply contacts, concluded before the three year supply contracts of Gas Supply Company "Naftogaz Trading.
Information on debts of district heating enterprises (TKE) for natural gas supplied by Naftogaz JSC. The data is cumulative and itemized by regions. The resource contains total debt as of given date and arrears accrued since the beginning of reporting year.
The data is historical as it is related to the debts under supply contacts, concluded before the three year supply contracts of Gas Supply Company "Naftogaz Trading.
Information on the structure of final electricity sales by market segment: under bilateral contracts (BCM), on the day ahead market (DAM), intraday market (IDM), balancing and ancillary services market.
Information on coal reserves at TPPs and CHPs warehouses (including generating companies), which is collected by NPC "Ukrenergo" in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine № 289 of 14.10.1999 "On approval of the list of forms of departmental statistical reporting".
NPC "Ukrenergo" publishes aggregated data on coal reserves for such companies: DTEK Eastenergy LLC, DTEK Westenergy JSC, Donbasenergo PJSC, Centrenergo PJSC, Kalush CHPP-Nova SE, Kramatorsk CHPP LLC, Myronivka CHPP LLC, Sumyteploenerho LLC, Tehnova LTD, etc
Aggregate numbers on recipients of state support in the form of "warm loans" for the deployment of energy-efficient technologies: modernization of heating and lighting, installation of windows, doors in public areas, heat insulation of facades, attics and basements, installation of individual thermal units, etc. Among the key indicators are: number of obligors, amount of reimbursement, minimum, maximum and average reimbursement of part of the loan.
During January-March 2018-2021 State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine did not reimburse on consolidated registers of borrowers, as a result of which there was no information available to make public the results of these periods.
Since 2021, only individuals living in private houses have been identified as the target group for "warm loans".
The state economic program for energy efficiency and development of the energy production from renewable sources and alternative fuels has ended by 2021.
Information on associations of co-owners of an apartment buildings and individuals who are recipients of state support in the form of "warm loans" for the deployment of energy-efficient technologies: modernization of heating and lighting, installation of windows, doors in public areas, heat insulation of facades, attics and basements, installation of individual thermal units, etc. In addition, the amount of reimbursement of part of the loan amount for each of the beneficiaries is indicated.
During January-March 2018-2021 State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine did not reimburse on consolidated registers of borrowers, as a result of which there was no information available to make public the results of these periods.
Since 2021, only individuals living in private houses have been identified as the target group for "warm loans".
Information on the population payment level for housing and communal services: accrued and paid amounts, debt and information on the state of payment by the population of the restructured debt for housing and communal services from a regional perspective.
Debt restructuring is the equal distribution of debt for services rendered for up to 60 months.
Information on the level of payment of the population for the housing and communal services consumed and the debt stock by regions and types of services.
The absence of debt values means that the data controller has marked the data as confidential. As a result, it is not possible to calculate the total value for Ukraine independently, but it is available in the general file about population debts for payment of housing and communal services in Ukraine by link.
Information on the amount of debts of the population for payment of housing and communal services for Ukraine as a whole, indicating the types of services.
Daily information on the volumes of positive and negative imbalances in Ukrainian gas transmission system (GTS). According to GTS Code imbalance is a difference between volumes of natural gas, injected by the GTS customer at entry point of the GTS and volumes of natural gas withdrawn by the GTS customer at exit point, which is defined according to allocation.
Information on the installed electrical capacity of Ukraine’s thermal power plants (TPP), detailed by the fuel types on which the stations operate (coal, gas and fuel oil).
The data do not include the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.
Information on installed electricity production capacity of power plants of Ukraine, detailed by type of power plants: nuclear, cogeneration, renewable, thermal, hydroelectric, pumped storage power plants.
Information on the amount of electricity generated by generation facilities operating at a "green" tariff, by type of generation.
Detailed data on electricity production by each generation facility are available at the link.
Information on the amount of uranium ore (UO) extracted, the amount and cost of the prodused uranium raw material - uranium oxide concentrate (UOC) by the State enterprise "Eastern Ore Dressing Complex"
Information on unbalanced values of the reception and return of electric power between the main networks of the Integrated Power System (IPS) of Ukraine and the energy systems of neighbouring countries: Moldova, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and up to 24.02.2022 - Russia and Belarus.
Information on actual volumes of exported and imported electricity, volumes of technological flows and emergency delivery (assistance) of electricity from / to the Integrated Power System (IPS) of Ukraine.
By February 24, 2022, the volumes of electric flows include flows caused by parallel operation of the Russian and Ukrainian power systems and flows for supplying the deadlocked areas of load for border consumers of the power systems of Belarus and Ukraine.
The volumes of emergency power supplies between the power systems include assistance in the event of a breach of system operation under the contracts "On ensuring emergency mutual power supply to ensure the reliability of the system" concluded between the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of Ukraine and Belarus of 30.12.2020 and between the TSOs of Ukraine and Slovakia of 05.02.2021.
Information on the hydropower plants electricity generation of the PJSC Ukrhydroenergo. Data on daily production volumes by power plants.
Information on the amount of primary electricity sales on the Bilateral Contracts Market (BCM), up to 24.02.2022 separately for the main part of the Integrated Power System (IPS) of Ukraine and the Burshtyn TPP Island by delivery periods.
Information on planned and actual coal production by Ukrainian coal mining enterprises and mines. Information about coal ash content is indicated.
Information on planned and actual extraction of run-of-mine coal for energy purposes and coking by Ukrainian coal mining enterprises and mines.
Information on the amount and cost of electricity supplied by Energoatom SE to the wholesale electricity market (WEM), which operated in Ukraine until 1 July 2019. At the same time, the amount paid and the final debt to the Energoatom for the supplied electricity are indicated.
Information on the limits of of power for electricity consumption, which are set for each region of Ukraine for the period of control during the morning and evening maximum load of the power system.
Depending on the calculation period, the control periods are:
- in the morning from 8:00 / 8:30 to 10:00 / 10:30 / 11:00;
- in the evening from 16:30 / 17:00 / 17:30 / 18:00 / 19:00 / 20:00 to 20:30 / 21:00 / 21:30 / 22:00 / 23:00.
More detailed is described in the methodology.
Information on the limits of electricity consumption, which are set for each region of Ukraine for the period of control during the morning and evening maximum load of the power system.
Depending on the calculation period, the control periods are:
- in the morning from 8:00 / 8:30 to 10:00 / 10:30 / 11:00;
- in the evening from 16:30 / 17:00 / 17:30 / 18:00 / 19:00 / 20:00 to 20:30 / 21:00 / 21:30 / 22:00 / 23:00.
More detailed is described in the methodology.
Information on actual amounts of run-of-mine coal for processing by coal enterprises and their mines for each month and cumulatuve total since the beginning of the year. The data are provided for state-owned enterprises that belong to the management of the Ministry of Energy.
Information regarding the volume of retail fuel sales at petroleum stations, itemized by regions of Ukraine. Sales values are indicated in percentage terms in comparison to respective values of previous month or respective month of previous year.
Due to the reduction of the reporting burden on respondents, since 2022 the State Statistics Service has canceled the reporting form "On sales of the light oil products and gas", respectively, no data update is carried out from 01.01.2022.
Information on the average actual price of 1 ton of coal production, the actual amount and cost of finished coal production by coal enterprises belonging to the management of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine.
Ready commodity coal products are the enrichment products produced by the processing factories from customer-supplied raw materials, and ordinary coal ready for consumption without reprocessing, which are intended for further sale.
Information on electricity generation by producers, Interstate flows by countries and consumption amount. The beginning of data preparation by the NPC Ukrenergo PJSC is connected with the appointment of the enterprise as an information controller in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution of 03.03.2021 № 407.
Information on the planned and actual duration of current, medium and major repairs and the reserve shutdown of nuclear power plants (NPPs). Information is presented by type of repair for specific power units, indicating the date on which the shutdown of the power unit began and ended for repair or reserve purposes, as well as the number of days during which the repair or reserve lasted.
Information on recipients of housing subsidies for fuel purchase, aggregated by region, indicating the number of recipients and the amount of cash and non-cash subsidies accrued, the number of households applying and awarded for the subsidy.
The fuel subsidy covers the cost of liquefied gas, solid and liquid heating oil for domestic use and is granted once a year in the event that the house is not supplied with electricity, heat or gas for heating purposes.
As of January 1, 2023, the Pension Fund of Ukraine has been designated as responsible for filling out the Unified State Register of Housing Subsidy Recipients. As of 2024, the regulatory and legal regulation of data publication powers between the Pension Fund and the Ministry of Social Policy is ongoing, accordingly, the data is temporarily not updated during this period.
Information on recipients of housing subsidies for housing and utilities services, aggregated by region, indicating the number of recipients and the amount of cash and non-cash subsidies accrued, the number of households applying and awarded for the subsidy.
The subsidy for housing and utilities services covers the costs of gas supply (including transportation and distribution), electricity, heat, water supply, drainage, household waste removal and apartment building management services.
As of January 1, 2023, the Pension Fund of Ukraine has been designated as responsible for filling out the Unified State Register of Housing Subsidy Recipients. As of 2024, the regulatory and legal regulation of data publication powers between the Pension Fund and the Ministry of Social Policy is ongoing, accordingly, the data is temporarily not updated during this period.
Information on oil and condensate production by region. Additionally, the share of each region in national oil and condensate production is mentioned.
Daily information on the volumes of injection and withdrawal of natural gas in/from Ukrainian underground gas storages (UGS), which is stored in customs warehouse regime.
Customs warehouse - service of underground gas storages (UGS) operator, which enables companies to store gas in Ukrainian UGSs without paying any taxes or customs duties for 1095 days.
Daily information on the volumes of unauthorized offtakes of natural gas from Ukrainian gas transmission system (GTS).
According to the GTS Code, unauthorized off-take of natural gas is the off-take of natural gas in the absence of the consumer in the Registry of the Supplier’s consumers of any supplier during the accounting period; without concluding a corresponding agreement with the supplier; caused by unauthorized connection and/or with intentionally damaged gas metering devices or beyond the range of metering devices, by way of unauthorized restoration of natural gas consumption.
Length and service life of overhead power transmission lines by voltage class (from 35 to 800 kV).