Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on the volume of waste generated during production of coal, oil, natural gas, uranium ores, nuclear fuel, oil refining, production and distribution of electricity and gas, etc.

Update date 16.01.2023 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2020
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information on recipients of housing subsidies for housing and utilities services and fuel purchase, which are separately calculated for each of the services, aggregated by locality. In addition, the total and maximum amounts of subsidies awarded are indicated.

The subsidy for housing and utilities services covers the costs of gas supply (including transportation and distribution), electricity, heat, water supply, drainage, household waste removal and apartment building management services.

The fuel subsidy covers the cost of liquefied gas, solid and liquid heating oil for domestic use and is granted once a year in the event that the house is not supplied with electricity, heat or gas for heating purposes.

As of January 1, 2023, the Pension Fund of Ukraine has been designated as responsible for filling out the Unified State Register of Housing Subsidy Recipients. As of 2024, the regulatory and legal regulation of data publication powers between the Pension Fund and the Ministry of Social Policy is ongoing, accordingly, the data is temporarily not updated during this period.

Update date 12.01.2023 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2022
Organization Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine

Information on the distribution of housing subsidies by monetary amount for housing and utilities services and fuel purchase, aggregated by locality.

The subsidy for housing and utilities services covers the costs of gas supply (including transportation and distribution), electricity, heat, water supply, drainage, household waste removal and apartment building management services.

The fuel subsidy covers the cost of liquefied gas, solid and liquid heating oil for domestic use and is granted once a year in the event that the house is not supplied with electricity, heat or gas for heating purposes.

As of January 1, 2023, the Pension Fund of Ukraine has been designated as responsible for filling out the Unified State Register of Housing Subsidy Recipients. As of 2024, the regulatory and legal regulation of data publication powers between the Pension Fund and the Ministry of Social Policy is ongoing, accordingly, the data is temporarily not updated during this period.

Update date 12.01.2023 Monthly
Data for period 01.08.2021 - 31.12.2022
Organization Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine

Information on recipients of housing subsidies for housing and utilities services and fuel purchase, which are separately calculated for heating (from October 1 to April 30) and non-heating (from May 1 to September 30) seasons, aggregated by locality. In addition, the total and maximum amounts of subsidies awarded are indicated. 

The subsidy for housing and utilities services covers the costs of gas supply (including transportation and distribution), electricity, heat, water supply, drainage, household waste removal and apartment building management services.

The fuel subsidy covers the cost of liquefied gas, solid and liquid heating oil for domestic use and is granted once a year in the event that the house is not supplied with electricity, heat or gas for heating purposes.

As of January 1, 2023, the Pension Fund of Ukraine has been designated as responsible for filling out the Unified State Register of Housing Subsidy Recipients. As of 2024, the regulatory and legal regulation of data publication powers between the Pension Fund and the Ministry of Social Policy is ongoing, accordingly, the data is temporarily not updated during this period.

Update date 12.01.2023 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2022
Organization Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine

The file shows the dynamics of the share of households, which lack the funds to maintain a sufficiently warm temperature in their housing during the heating season, as well as for payment for rent/mortgage or utilities. The data are provided in terms of countries. The indicators for Ukraine obtained according to the household survey conducted in October 2017.

Update date 29.12.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

The file shows the dynamics of the share of households, which lack the funds to maintain a sufficiently warm temperature in their housing during the heating season, as well as for payment for housing bills and necessary services for its maintenance or payment of gas for cooking.

The data are provided in terms of regions without temporarily occupied territories of AR Crimea, Sevastopol and part of the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Update date 29.12.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information on the number of consumers who lost natural gas supply due to hostilities and number of consumers for whom the natural gas supply has been restored generally in Ukraine. The file is formed from statistical reports of the Ministry of Energy "Operational update regarding the russian invasion" and is presented in daily detail. Data on the number of consumers without electricity supply and electricity recovery are available by link.

Update date 24.12.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 02.03.2022 - 09.10.2022
Organization Ministry of Energy of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on installed capacity of solar power plants (SPP) of households, which have a "green" tariff, according to Distribution System Operators (DSO) and Universal Service Suppliers (USS). The data are presented by region as at the end of the reporting quarter.

Update date 09.12.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 01.07.2015 - 31.12.2021
Organization SAEE
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22
List of companies and natural persons-entrepreneurs, which pay exercise duty for fuel sale, the dataset contains the USREOU (Unified state register of enterprises and organizations of Ukraine) codes of the companies, their identification number in register, date of registration and of inscribing in the register, date and reason for annulling the registration (if such occurred).
Update date 06.12.2022 Monthly
Data for period 01.03.2016 - 23.02.2022
Organization State Tax Service of Ukraine

Information on payments for supplied electricity by region, supplier (oblenergo), and consumer category.

Update date 06.12.2022 Archive
Data for period 01.01.2013 - 30.11.2018
Organization Ministry of Energy of Ukraine

Information on the number and installed capacity of the facilities that produce thermal energy from biomass under license by the regions of Ukraine. The indicators were obtained according to the regional state administrations.

Update date 02.12.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 01.07.2022 - 01.07.2022
Organization SAEE

The file shows the dynamics of the share of households, which lack the funds to maintain a sufficiently warm temperature in their housing during the heating season, as well as for payment for housing bills and necessary services for its maintenance or payment of gas for cooking, generally in Ukraine.

These indicators were obtained by the State Statistics Service on the basis of data of self-evaluation by households of availability of certain goods and services, which is carried out once for 2 years.

The data are provided without temporarily occupied territories of AR Crimea, Sevastopol and part of the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Update date 01.12.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2021
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information on compensations provided to electricity consumers for nonobservance of guaranteed quality standards of service provision, particularly for power interruptions over 24 hours and unsatisfactory quality of electricity. Data is presented in electricity distribution licensees, specifying the amount of compensation provided and the number of consumers.

Data for 2021 are not published by the data controller.

Data for 2022 contain indicators for January-June.

Update date 29.10.2022 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2017 - 30.06.2022
Organization NEURC

Information on the number of appeals by consumers to call centres of electricity suppliers according to the subject of the appeals.

Data for 2022 contain indicators for January-June.

Update date 29.10.2022 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2019 - 30.06.2022
Organization NEURC

Information on the number of consumer appeals to the Distribution System Operators (DSO) call centres by appeal topics.

Data for 2022 contain indicators for January-June.

Update date 29.10.2022 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2015 - 30.06.2022
Organization NEURC
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on the quality of services provided to consumers by electricity suppliers. Key indicators: the total number of services and the number of requests with the exceeded execution time.

Update date 25.10.2022 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2020
Organization NEURC

Information on the consumption of primary energy – such that it has not been subjected to any human engineered conversion process. The data are presented in terms of countries and parts of the world. The share of consumed energy from the total consumption for each country is also mentioned.

Update date 06.10.2022 Annually
Data for period 01.01.1965 - 31.12.2019
Organization Global Registry of Fossil Fuels
Information on coefficients, by which gas consumption volumes are multiplied, if gas meters of household consumers are not equipped with devices approximating the volume to standard conditions (temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, pressure of 760 mmhg or circa 101,3 kpa). Coefficients are differentiated by region, month and location of the meter (in- or outside heated building, etc). The data contains in the appendixes to the Decree of Ministry of Energy of Ukraine №116 dated 26/02/2004.
Update date 29.09.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 26.02.2004 - 07.10.2024
Organization Ministry of Energy of Ukraine

Information on unscheduled and / or emergency outages of power units with an installed capacity exceeding 100 MW from power grids and corresponding capacity limitations of power units.

Update date 28.09.2022 Monthly
Data for period 01.10.2019 - 22.09.2022
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on the transfer capacity of cross-border electrical networks for each settlement period. In hourly detail, given the information on the net and available transfer capacity of the cross-border networks, as well as the capacity allocated by the outcome of the auctions, with an indication of the direction of distribution.

Update date 28.09.2022 Monthly
Data for period 22.09.2019 - 25.09.2022
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on the amount of accepted upward and downward balancing electricity and additional services provided such as: Frequency Containment Reserve, Frequency Restoration Reserve and Restoration Reserve by trade zone.

Update date 28.09.2022 Monthly
Data for period 01.03.2020 - 22.09.2022
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on trade zones within which Distribution System Operators (DSO) carry out distribution of electricity, territory of operation and DSO type (core / non-core).

Update date 27.09.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 01.01.2019 - 07.10.2024
Organization NEURC
Information on structure of UGS (underground gas storage) operator costs, which are covered by tariffs for natural gas injection, withdrawal and storage. The costs are divided into three levels, so that by summing lower-level cost items one can obtain higher-level cost item.
Update date 27.09.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 01.08.2019 - 07.10.2024
Organization NEURC
Information on changes of tariffs for natural gas storage, injection and withdrawal, imposed by the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC) . Additionally, the numbers and effective dates of relevant NEURC resolutions are mentioned.
Update date 27.09.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 28.04.2004 - 07.10.2024
Organization NEURC
Information on the forecast availability and actual load of generating capacities and power consumption units of the Integrated Power System of Ukraine (IPS). The data includes only units capable of regulation on an hourly basis.
Update date 26.09.2022 Monthly
Data for period 01.10.2019 - 21.09.2022
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information regarding the average value of imported natural gas in USD and UAH.

Due to changes to the Tax Code, the approach to calculation of rent for the use of subsoil for natural gas production has been changed. The corrected approach does not include the use of the average customs value of imported natural gas, and therefore the Ministry of Economy has stopped publication of the indicators. Instead, the actual selling prices of natural gas are used to calculate the rent. These indicators can be found at the link.

Update date 20.09.2022 Archive
Data for period 01.08.2014 - 31.08.2022
Organization Ministry for Development of Economy of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on the level of equipment of household housing with heating and gas supply systems, heating and cooking appliances, which are powered by electricity, gas or solid fuel by the regions of Ukraine.

Update date 25.08.2022 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2021
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information on the quality standards for the provision of electricity distribution services to consumers by Distribution System Operators (DSO) and the amount of compensation to consumers for non-compliance. The corresponding quality standards for electricity supply came into force in 2018 in accordance with NEURC Resolution №375 of 12.06.2018 and were revised in 2021 in accordance with NEURC Resolution №1354 of 18.08.2021.

Update date 24.08.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 24.10.2018 - 01.01.2022
Organization NEURC
Information on the number of consumers connected to the distribution or transmission networks that expressed the intention to change and implemented the procedure of electricity suppliers change and the number of rejected consumers.
Update date 02.08.2022 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2021
Organization NEURC

Information on the number of household and non-household consumers who have changed the supplier of natural gas.

Update date 02.08.2022 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2021
Organization NEURC

Information about the cost components in the structure of weighted average heat tariffs by consumer category for NEURC licensees.

Since 08.07.2021, the authority to regulate the activities of all heat supply enterprises, in particular in the area of tariff setting, has been transferred to the local level. Accordingly, the structure of weighted average heat tariffs for 2021 was submitted as of 07.07.2021.

Update date 01.08.2022 Archive
Data for period 01.01.2014 - 07.07.2021
Organization NEURC
Archived information regarding dynamics of prices for natural gas as a commodity (w/o VAT) supplied by Naftogaz JSC for industrial consumers to which the Regulation on Placement of Special Obligations did not apply, i.e., to which free-market pricing of natural gas applied. The prices differentiated by type of consumer, terms of payment and volumes of purchased gas.
Update date 27.07.2022 Archive
Data for period 01.10.2015 - 31.08.2020
Organization Naftogaz of Ukraine

Information on the quality standards for the provision of electricity services and the amount of compensation to consumers for their nonobservance, which were in force in Ukraine from 30.12.2016 to 24.10.2018 under the NEURC Resolution № 1841 of 18.10.2016.

Update date 22.07.2022 Archive
Data for period 30.12.2016 - 24.10.2018
Organization NEURC

Information on the quality standards for electricity supply services to consumers by electricity suppliers and the amount of compensation to consumers for nonobservance of them. The relevant quality standards for electricity supply came into force on 24.10.2018 under NEURC Resolution № 375 of 12.06.2018.

Update date 20.07.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 24.10.2018 - 31.12.2021
Organization NEURC
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22
Information on planned renovation work, that may affect the functioning of Ukrainian GTS and led to gas transmission restrictions. Dataset contains information on the company (DSO, industrial consumer, etc), whose activity may be influenced by renovation, GTS facility on which repair work will take place, month of its performance and duration of gas transmission termination.
Update date 20.07.2022 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2021
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22
Information on the debts for natural gas supply of regional supply companies owed to Naftogaz JSC. In particular, it specifies USREOU (Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine) code of the company and amount of the debt.
Update date 28.05.2022 Monthly
Data for period 16.01.2018 - 21.02.2022
Organization Naftogaz of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22
Information on debts for gas by individual enterprises owed to Naftogaz JSC. In particular, it specifies USREOU (Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine) code of the enterprise, the amount of debt as well as the current situation with gas supply to the entity.
Update date 27.05.2022 Monthly
Data for period 03.01.2017 - 21.02.2022
Organization Naftogaz of Ukraine

By the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 474 of 14 May 2021 the Government introduced the ceiling prices of diesel and gasoline. The respective prices were calculated every 10 days based on the data on average value of 1 liter of ULSD 10 ppm and 1 liter of GASOLINE 10 ppm gasoline provided by Platts Agency. The final price includes the maximum trade margin of 7 UAH for diesel and 5 UAH for gasoline as well, as customs duties and VAT.

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 594 of 17 May 2022 passed a decision to refuse state regulation of fuel prices. Accordingly, from the date of entry into force of the Resolution (May 20, 2022), operators of filling stations independently set the cost of gasoline and diesel.

Update date 26.05.2022 Archive
Data for period 14.05.2021 - 14.05.2022
Organization Ministry for Development of Economy of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on planned and actual outages on cross-border lines for servicing, repair, testing, etc., as well as limitations on the amount of available capacity of cross-border lines.

Update date 26.05.2022 Monthly
Data for period 10.11.2019 - 25.02.2022
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on retail sales of gasoline, diesel, propane and butane through the network of filling stations in Ukraine as a whole. Since 2022, the State Statistics Service has been producing statistical information according to the administrative data of the State Tax Service of Ukraine.

Update date 25.05.2022 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2021 - 31.01.2022
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on the amount of reserves of coal, natural gas, oil and oil products and the size of the increase to the same date of last month and last year.

Information about crude oil since 2017 is not published in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On the State Statistics" regarding confidentiality of information.

Data on the amount of energy resources use are available at the link.

Update date 21.05.2022 Monthly
Data for period 01.02.2012 - 01.02.2022
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on the use of coal, natural gas, oil and oil products and the size of growth compared with the same date of last month and year.

Information on gasoline, diesel, propane and butane are without amount of retail sale through refueling stations.

Information about crude oil since 2017 is not published in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On the State Statistics" regarding confidentiality of information.

Data on the amount of energy resources reserves are available at the link.

Update date 21.05.2022 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2012 - 31.01.2022
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on the amount of freight transport of coal, coke, oil and oil products by rail. The data are detailed by type of cargo according to the operational data of Ukrainian Railways JSC. The data are cumulative - reported by the accumulated total since the beginning of the year. 

Since 2014, the data are not included the temporarily occupied territory of AR Crimea, Sevastopol and part of the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Update date 21.05.2022 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2002 - 31.01.2022
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on the volume and dynamics of energy goods production. 

The data are collected on individual sections of the NCEA (National Classification of Economic Activities) and detailed according to the Nomenclature of Industrial Products (NPP). The data include the following sections: B "Mining and quarrying"; C "Processing industry"; D "Electricity, gas, steam and condensed air supply". 

There are cases where data is skipped. These data are confidential and are not published in order to comply with the requirements of the Law "On State Statistics" on the confidentiality of statistical information.

Update date 19.05.2022 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2009 - 31.01.2022
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on the amount of road transportation of coal, gas, uranium, oil and oil products in domestic and international traffic, detailed by groups and types of cargo.

The data are cumulative - reported by the accumulated total since the beginning of the year. The data do not include the transport of goods by individual entrepreneurs and do not include the temporarily occupied territory of Autonomic Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol city and part of the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Update date 18.05.2022 Quarterly
Data for period 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2021
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information regarding foreign trade in spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors (2844500000 Harmonized System (HS) code). Key indicators are volume of foreign trade by direction of supply and cost of exported and imported volumes. The data are monthly - estimated and are derived by subtracting from the study period the same figures as in the previous reporting period.

Data for 2021-2022 years are not available due to the fact that no export-import operations were carried out during this period.

Update date 16.05.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 01.02.2010 - 31.08.2020
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information regarding foreign trade in spent (irradiated) fuel elements (cartridges) of nuclear reactors (2844500000 Harmonized System (HS) code). Key indicators are volume of foreign trade by direction of supply and cost of exported and imported volumes.

The data are cumulative - reported by the accumulated total since the beginning of the year.

Data for 2021-2022 years are not available due to the fact that no export-import operations were carried out during this period.

Update date 16.05.2022 Not regularly
Data for period 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2020
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on the structure of final consumption of different energy resources (natural gas, electricity, etc.) by households. Data is itemized by purpose of energy use (heating, cooking, etc.).

The data are provided without temporarily occupied territories of AR Crimea, Sevastopol and part of the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Update date 16.05.2022 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2020
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on the structure of final consumption of energy resources by purpose of energy use (heating, cooking, etc.) in percentage terms.

The data are provided without temporarily occupied territories of AR Crimea, Sevastopol and part of the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Update date 16.05.2022 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2020
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on the forecast and actual heat supply and losses by heat-generating facilities.

Update date 13.05.2022 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2021
Organization Ministry of Energy of Ukraine
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