Information on technical, free and allocated capacity of transborder interconnection points of Ukrainian GTS.
Update date 21.10.2024 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2020 - 01.09.2025
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

Information on volumes of exported and imported electricity from / to the Integrated Power System (IPS) of Ukraine in hourly terms, indicating the energy system.

In connection with the termination of publication of NPC Ukrenergo data due to the martial law, the indicators of foreign electricity trade have been received from the public dashboard of the NEURC since February 24, 2022.

Update date 21.10.2024 Weekly
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 21.10.2024
Organization NEURC, National Power Company Ukrenergo
Information regarding the volumes of Russian gas flow from and out of Ukrainian gas transmission system and country to or from which gas is transited. The data is broken down by interconnection points and their types (exit/entry points).
Update date 21.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 16.06.2014 - 16.10.2024
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

Information on the volume of liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports by European countries indicating partner countries. LNG volumes are indicated in cubic units - cubic meters and energy units - terajoules.

Update date 21.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2013 - 01.09.2024
Organization Eurostat

A list of varieties of energy plants officially registered in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine. It includes information about the plant, such as crop group, botanical taxon, variety name, registration date, patent availability, recommendations for the cultivation zone, as well as information about the country of variety origin, variety owner, and applicant.

Energy plants are annual and perennial fast-growing forest or agricultural crops that can be used as biomass or for biofuel production.

Update date 18.10.2024 Not regularly
Data for period 01.01.2012 - 15.10.2024
Organization Ministry of Agrarian Policy
Information regarding the weighted average tariffs for transmission and supply of heat produced from natural gas, for the needs of the population and institutions and organizations funded from the state or local budget in Ukraine.
Update date 18.10.2024 Quarterly
Data for period 26.12.2018 - 25.09.2024
Organization SAEE

Information on tax and non-tax revenues to the budgets of the regions of Ukraine from the energy sector. Among the main items of budget revenues: rent for the extraction of energy resources, excise tax on fuel, fee for licenses for fuel production, storage, retail and wholesale trade and others.

Update date 18.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2018 - 31.08.2024
Organization Minfin website

Information on Electricity Balancing Service Providers (BSP) from the BSP Registry maintained by the Transmission System Operator (TSO) of NPC "Ukrenergo". The registry contains information on the market participant: EIC and USREOU codes, company name, location, role, status of registration and contact details, as well as information on concluded agreements on the imbalances settlement and participation in the balancing market.

Update date 18.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 24.08.2023 - 17.10.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo
Information on the results of within-day capacity allocation auctions at the interconnection points of the Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS). The data is broken down by interconnection points, and includes information on the type of capacity, the amount of free capacity and the total capacity distributed within the auction. The starting and final price of capacities allocation is also mentioned.
Update date 18.10.2024 Not regularly
Data for period 02.10.2020 - 03.10.2024
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

Information on the amount of the service cost to ensure an increase in the share of electricity production from alternative sources. The service covers the difference between the price of electricity at the "green" tariff and the price on the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) and is calculated according to paragraph 13 of the NEURC Resolution No. 641 of 26.04.2019. The service is provided by the Universal Service Suppliers (USS) to consumers and is compensated by the NPC "Ukrenergo".

Update date 18.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 31.08.2024
Organization NEURC

The register contains information about energy market participants, including the date of submission of the registration form, registration date, assigned ECRB code, name, legal form, region, EIC, BIC, LEI, VAT, EDRPOU/RNOKPP codes, website, web pages where insider information is disclosed, and the date of exclusion from the register. After the end of martial law, the address of the participant's location, settlement and zip code will also be available.

NEURC is the body responsible in Ukraine for registration of participants, assignment of the ECRB code and entry into the register.

Every business entity engaged in trading operations with wholesale energy products is required to register as a participant in the wholesale energy market.

Update date 17.10.2024 Weekly
Data for period 27.10.2023 - 14.10.2024
Organization NEURC
Information on the results of day-ahead capacity allocation auctions at the interconnection points of the Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS). The data is broken down by interconnection points, and includes information on the type of capacity, the amount of free capacity and the total capacity distributed within the auction. The starting and final price of capacities allocation is also mentioned.
Update date 16.10.2024 Weekly
Data for period 01.10.2020 - 16.10.2024
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

Information on the dynamics of changes in the producer price index (PPI), presented in terms of sections and groups of the Classification of Types of Economic Activities.

The price index represents the ratio between the prices of a particular good or service in the reporting and base periods, expressed as a percentage. To determine the dynamics of change for this index in the reporting month, 100 percent is subtracted from the index.

The data set contains price indices with different base periods:

  • Reporting month vs. previous month;
  • Reporting month vs. December of the previous year;
  • Reporting month vs. the corresponding month of the previous year;
  • Reporting period vs. the corresponding period of the previous year (this index is calculated by summing the monthly indices from the beginning of the current year up to and including the reporting month, relative to the same period of the previous year).
Update date 16.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2013 - 01.08.2024
Organization National Bank of Ukraine

Information on Day-Ahead (DAM) and Intra-Day (IDM) markets participants with indication of the status of the participant (active / suspended).

Update date 16.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 30.08.2023 - 16.10.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on price caps for supply of balancing electric power, which are applied by the transmission system operator (TSO) Ukrenergo in the market management system, separately for trade zones (until 24.02.2022).

Update date 16.10.2024 Not regularly
Data for period 01.12.2019 - 16.10.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

The dataset reflects the status of the implementation of the "GreenDIM" Energy Efficiency Fund program, which was launched in May 2024. The goal of this program is to increase the use of renewable energy, as well as improve energy efficiency and energy security in the residential sector.

The file contains information about the program participant (housing cooperatives), including the name, address, area and number of households, dates of application and joining the program, direction of financing (installation of a solar power plant and/or heat pump), as well as the cost of the project and the amount of the grant paid.

Update date 16.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Organization Energy Efficiency Fund

Information on tax and non-tax revenues to the state budget from the energy sector of Ukraine. Among the main items of budget revenues: rent for the extraction and transportation of energy resources, excise tax on electricity and fuel, fees for fuel and energy resources, fees for the operation of gas distribution systems, fees for issuing licenses and special permits, contributions to regulation and others.

Update date 16.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2018 - 31.08.2024
Organization Minfin website

Information on the expenditures of the state budget of Ukraine directed to the implementation of programs and activities by the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine and the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC). All expenses are divided between the general (funds are intended for the implementation of general functions) and special (funds have a specific purpose) budget funds. Among the main items of expenditure: leadership and management in the energy sector, reform and development of the energy sector, restructuring of the coal industry, physical protection of facilities and others.

Update date 16.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2018 - 31.08.2024
Organization Minfin website

Information on the expenditures of the state budget of Ukraine directed to the implementation of programs and activities by the State Agency of Ukraine on Exclusion zone management. All expenses are divided between the general (funds are intended for the implementation of general functions) and special (funds have a specific purpose) budget funds. Among the main items of expenditure: maintaining an environmentally safe state in the Exclusion zone, radiological protection of the population and environmental rehabilitation of the territory, performing work in the field of radioactive waste management of the non-nuclear cycle, construction of the "Vector" complex and operation of its facilities, maintaining power units and the "Ukryttia" Object of Chornobyl NPP in a safe condition and its decommissioning, etc.

Update date 16.10.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2018 - 31.08.2024
Organization Minfin website

Information on the number of consumers and settlements who lost electricity supply due to hostilities and number of consumers and settlements for whom the electricity supply has been restored. The file is formed from official messages of local Distribution System Operators (DSO) and Regional Military Administrations (RMA) and is presented in daily detail by regions. 

Data on the number of consumers without natural gas supply and gas recovery are available by link.

Update date 16.10.2024 Weekly
Data for period 24.02.2022 - 14.10.2024
Organization DiXi Group
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