Information on foreign trade in hydrocarbons in gaseous state with UCGFEA (Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity) 2711000000 - petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons.

Key indicators: foreign trade volumes itemized by partner countries as well as imports/exports in monetary equivalent.

Data is cumulative, i.e. recorded on an accrual basis from beginning of the year.

Update date 29.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2006 - 30.11.2024
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information regarding foreign trade in coal according to the following Harmonized System (HS) chapter codes: anthracite (2701110000); butuminous coal (2701121000 and 2701129000); coal briquettes, ovoids and similar manufactured solid fuels (2701200000); lignite (2702100000 and 2702200000) and other coal (2701190000). 

Key indicators are volume of foreign trade in electricity by direction of supply and cost of exported and imported volumes.

The data are monthly - estimated and are derived by subtracting from the study period the same figures as in the previous reporting period.

Update date 29.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2010 - 30.11.2024
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information regarding foreign trade in coal according to the following Harmonized System (HS) chapter codes: anthracite (2701110000); butuminous coal (2701121000 and 2701129000); coal briquettes, ovoids and similar manufactured solid fuels (2701200000); lignite (2702100000 and 2702200000) and other coal (2701190000). Key indicators are volume of foreign trade in coal by direction of supply and cost of exported and imported volumes. The data are cumulative - reported by the accumulated total since the beginning of the year.

Update date 29.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2006 - 30.11.2024
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information regarding foreign trade in wood charcoal according to the following Harmonized System (HS) chapter codes: fuel wood (4401000000) and wood charcoal (4402000000). Key indicators are volume of foreign trade by direction of supply and cost of exported and imported volumes.

The data are monthly - estimated and are derived by subtracting from the study period the same figures as in the previous reporting period.

Update date 29.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2010 - 30.11.2024
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information regarding foreign trade in wood charcoal according to the following Harmonized System (HS) chapter codes: fuel wood (4401000000) and wood charcoal (4402000000). Key indicators are volume of foreign trade by direction of supply and cost of exported and imported volumes.

The data are cumulative - reported by the accumulated total since the beginning of the year.

Update date 29.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2006 - 30.11.2024
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information regarding foreign trade in uranium (2844100000 Harmonized System (HS) code). Key indicators are volume of foreign trade by direction of supply and cost of exported and imported volumes. The data are monthly - estimated and are derived by subtracting from the study period the same figures as in the previous reporting period.

Update date 29.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.08.2010 - 30.11.2024
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information regarding foreign trade in uranium (2844100000 Harmonized System (HS) code). Key indicators are volume of foreign trade by direction of supply and cost of exported and imported volumes. The data are cumulative - reported by the accumulated total since the beginning of the year.

Update date 29.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2006 - 30.11.2024
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information regarding foreign trade in electricity (2716000000 Harmonized System (HS) chapter code). Key indicators are volume of foreign trade in electricity by direction of supply and cost of exported and imported volumes. The data are monthly - estimated and are derived by subtracting from the study period the same figures as in the previous reporting period.

Update date 29.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2010 - 30.11.2024
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information regarding foreign trade in electricity (2716000000 Harmonized System (HS) chapter code). Key indicators are volume of foreign trade in electricity by direction of supply and cost of exported and imported volumes. The data are cumulative - reported by the accumulated total since the beginning of the year.

Update date 29.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2006 - 30.11.2024
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information on the state of payments and debts in the electricity balancing market (BM). Includes data on financial obligations of NPC Ukrenergo to market participants, as well as debts of market participants to NPC Ukrenergo.

Update date 29.01.2025 Every 10 days
Data for period 11.12.2024 - 20.01.2025
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Results of electronic exchange trades conducted at the Ukrainian Energy Exchange (UEEX) in the direction of natural gas. Key indicators include: information about auction participants, initial, minimum, maximum and average weighted price, formed as a result of trades, payment and transportation conditions of the resource and other information received from bulletins (bulletin of the weighted average prices and exchange bulletin).

Update date 27.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 11.12.2017 - 24.01.2025
Organization Ukrainian Energy Exchange LLC

Information on the amount of the service cost to ensure an increase in the share of electricity production from alternative sources provided by the SE Guaranteed Buyer to the system operator Ukrenergo. The funds for the service provided are directed to settlements with producers under the green tariff and under the feed-in premium mechanism

Update date 27.01.2025 Not regularly
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 30.09.2024
Organization NEURC

Information on the number of consumers and settlements who lost electricity supply due to hostilities and number of consumers and settlements for whom the electricity supply has been restored. The file is formed from official messages of local Distribution System Operators (DSO) and Regional Military Administrations (RMA) and is presented in daily detail by regions. 

Data on the number of consumers without natural gas supply and gas recovery are available by link.

Update date 27.01.2025 Weekly
Data for period 24.02.2022 - 27.01.2025
Organization DiXi Group

Information on the number of settlements and consumers who lost electricity supply due to hostilities and number of consumers for whom the electricity supply has been restored generally in Ukraine. The file is formed from statistical reports of the Ministry of Energy "Operational update regarding the russian invasion" and is presented in daily detail. Detailed data on the number of consumers without electricity supply and electricity recovery by regions are available by links: Ministry of Energy data, DSOs data.

Update date 27.01.2025 Weekly
Data for period 01.03.2022 - 27.01.2025
Organization Ministry of Energy of Ukraine

Information on volumes of exported and imported electricity from / to the Integrated Power System (IPS) of Ukraine in hourly terms, indicating the energy system.

In connection with the termination of publication of NPC Ukrenergo data due to the martial law, the indicators of foreign electricity trade have been received from the public dashboard of the NEURC and the ENTSO-E platform since February 24, 2022.

Update date 27.01.2025 Weekly
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 26.01.2025
Organization NEURC, National Power Company Ukrenergo, ENTSO-E

Information on the volume and share of each energy source used for the production of electricity sold on the balancing market.

Update date 27.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 31.12.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on changes in electricity tariffs for households occurred from 2012 to 2023. The tariffs were clarified by consumer group, location, and volume of electricity consumption.

In addition, if there is metering of electricity consumption for periods of time, consumer settlements are made at a fixed price using coefficients (at the consumer's choice):

1) by two-zone differentiation by periods:

  • 0.5 fixed price from 11 pm to 7 am;
  • full fixed price at other hours of the day.

2) by three-zone differentiation by periods:

  • 1.5 fixed price from 8 am to 11 am and from 8 pm to 10 pm;
  • 0.4 fixed price from 11 pm to 7 am;
  • full fixed price at other hours of the day.
Update date 27.01.2025 Not regularly
Data for period 01.10.2012 - 30.04.2025
Organization NEURC, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Daily information on the volumes of transmission of natural gas in/from Ukrainian gas transmission system (GTS) in short-haul and/or customs warehouse regimes. 

Customs warehouse - service of underground gas storages (UGS) operator, which enables companies to store gas in Ukrainian UGSs without paying any taxes or customs duties for 1095 days. 

Short-haul - service of transmission system operator, which enables customers to get discount on gas transmission between certain transborder entry and exit points. This service is available for transit only, without access to Ukrainian domestic market. At the same time it can be combined with the service of customs warehouse.

Update date 26.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2020 - 26.01.2025
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

The dataset reflects the implementation status of the Energy Efficiency Fund's program "VidnovyDIM", which was launched in November 2022. The goal of this program is to fund construction work to restore residential buildings damaged due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The source of funding for the program is the funds of the European Union.

The file contains information about the program participant (housing cooperatives), including the name, location address, area, number of households, dates of application submission and joining the program, a list of construction works, as well as the project cost and the amount of the granted funds paid.

Update date 25.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.11.2022 - 13.01.2025
Organization Energy Efficiency Fund

Information on the participants of the energy efficiency support program for multi-apartment buildings called "Energodim," which is implemented by the Energy Efficiency Fund. The program offers partial reimbursement of costs for energy efficiency measures ranging from 40% to 70%. Housing cooperatives (OSBB) can utilize these funds for the installation of individual heating substations, hydraulic system balancing, insulation of pipelines, insulation of walls, roofs, and basement floors, replacement of doors and windows, and more.

The file contains information about program participants, including their name, address, date of application and accession to the program, details of energy efficiency measures taken, as well as information on reimbursements made, energy savings achieved, and reductions in emissions resulting from the implemented measures.

Update date 24.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.09.2019 - 14.01.2025
Organization Energy Efficiency Fund
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