Foreign trade in solar panels elements
Information regarding foreign trade in solar panels elements (8541400000 Harmonized System (HS) code). Key indicators are volume of foreign trade by direction of supply and cost of exported and imported volumes.
The data are monthly - estimated and are derived by subtracting from the study period the same figures as in the previous reporting period.
Field | Name | Description |
date_start | Date start |
- |
date_end | Date end |
- |
month | Month |
- |
hs_heading_code | HS heading code |
UCGFEA code of the product on 6-digit level - XXXXХХ0000 |
hs_heading_name | HS heading name |
8541400000 - photosensitive semiconductor devices, including photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made up into panels; light-emitting diodes (LED) |
hs_subheading_code | HS subheading code |
UCGFEA code of the product on 8-digit level - XXXXХХXX00 |
hs_subheading_name | HS subheading name |
8541401000 - light-emitting diodes (LED), including laser diodes |
customs_regime | Customs regime |
export / import |
country | Country |
Exports refer to the country of last known destination of the goods (if unknown, then the trading country), while imports refer to the country of origin of the goods (if unknown, then the country of consignment) |
amount | Amount, kg |
kg |
cost | Cost, thousand USD |
thousand USD |
Name | Format | Size | Count of rows | Date updated | |
2024_06_01_uk_zed_soniachni_paneli_pomisiachni.csv | UK CSV | 3.82 MB | 8640 | Sept. 27, 2024, 5:16 p.m. | Download |
2024_06_01_uk_zed_soniachni_paneli_pomisiachni.xlsx | UK XLSX | 623.68 KB | 8640 | Sept. 27, 2024, 5:16 p.m. | Download |
2024_06_01_en_zed_soniachni_paneli_pomisiachni.csv | EN CSV | 2.09 MB | 8640 | Sept. 27, 2024, 5:16 p.m. | Download |
2024_06_01_en_zed_soniachni_paneli_pomisiachni.xlsx | EN XLSX | 415.40 KB | 8640 | Sept. 27, 2024, 5:16 p.m. | Download |