Information on the price of electricity for households in the capitals of the European countries. The prices are indicated in foreign currency (euro cents) and are transferred at the official exchange rate of the hryvnia, established by the National Bank of Ukraine for the respective settlement period.

Update date 09.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2024
Organization Household Energy Price Index (HEPI)

Information on the price of natural gas for households in the capitals of the European countries. The prices are indicated in foreign currency (euro cents) and are transferred at the official exchange rate of the hryvnia, established by the National Bank of Ukraine for the respective settlement period.

Update date 09.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2024
Organization Household Energy Price Index (HEPI)

Information on the dynamics of prices for natural gas at European hubs (Day-ahead prices): the German Gaspool and NCG (from 01.10.2021 were merged into one hub Trading Hub Europe (THE)), the Dutch TTF and the Austrian CEGH.

The prices also include VAT and transportation costs to the Ukrainian border (average cost of gas transportation by main gas pipelines of Europe).

Update date 09.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 05.01.2017 - 08.01.2025
Organization Ukrainian Energy Exchange LLC

Information on the base price of natural gas, which is calculated by the TSO, based on its expenditures for purchase, transmission and storage of natural gas. This price is used for calculating additional fee for failing to provide sufficient quality of natural gas.

Data owner until 2019 (inclusive) - Ukrtransgaz, since 2020 - OGTSU.

Update date 08.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.12.2015 - 31.12.2024
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC, Ukrtransgaz JSC
Information on tax revenues to state budget of Ukraine itemizied by types of economic activities (NCEA sections - National Classification of Economic Activity). The data is cumulative from beginning of the year.
Update date 08.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.02.2018 - 01.12.2024
Organization State Tax Service of Ukraine

Information on the dynamics of the actual selling price of natural gas.

The actual selling price for natural gas produced in Ukraine since August 1, 2022 is the maximum value of the following:

  • average weighted price of natural gas, defined in agreements with Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC;
  • average weighted price of natural gas, according to the results of the auctions on organized commodity markets;
  • arithmetic mean price of the indicators published in the reports Argus European Natural Gas and ICIS European Spot Gas Market.

Until August 2022, the actual selling price of natural gas was considered to be the price defined in the relevant contracts of purchase and sale of natural gas between the rent-payer and the natural gas market entity, on which the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has special responsibilities regarding the formation of the natural gas resource for households and producers of thermal energy.

According to the Tax Code, the actual selling price of natural gas is used to calculate rent for the use of subsoil for natural gas production.

Update date 08.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.03.2022 - 31.12.2024
Organization Ministry for Development of Economy of Ukraine

Information about natural gas exchange rates on the intraday market of the Ukrainian Energy Exchange (UEE). In addition, the conditions of supply and the volume of trade on this trading day are indicated.

Update date 08.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 02.03.2020 - 25.12.2024
Organization Ukrainian Energy Exchange LLC
Information regarding the purchase/sale of liquefied petroleum gas on the Ukrainian Energy Exchange, in particular: volume of traded commodity, price per ton of gas in hryvnias, euros and US dollars, and current price difference in comparison to the previous trading day. It is worth noting that data is provided only for LNG deliveries by road transport on EXW term.
Update date 08.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 12.04.2016 - 30.12.2024
Organization Ukrainian Energy Exchange LLC

Information on oil and gas condensate trading on the Ukrainian Energy Exchange (UEEX), stating the volume of traded commodity, price per ton of product in hryvnias, euros and US dollars, and price difference comparing to the previous trading day. Additionally, delivery basis and mode of transportation is mentioned.

Update date 08.01.2025 Not regularly
Data for period 01.02.2017 - 07.01.2025
Organization Ukrainian Energy Exchange LLC
Information on wholesale prices of natural gas in regulated and unregulated market segments, including the prices from extracting companies, as well as the price of imported gas (transmission costs included).
Update date 07.01.2025 Quarterly
Data for period 01.01.2017 - 30.09.2024
Organization NEURC

Information on the competition on the retail natural gas market, namely the shares market structure by volume of natural gas supply to consumers. Among the suppliers: DTEK, Regional Gas Company, Naftogaz, Tviy Gaszbut and others.

Update date 07.01.2025 Quarterly
Data for period 01.01.2020 - 30.09.2024
Organization NEURC

The register contains information about energy market participants, including the date of submission of the registration form, registration date, assigned ECRB code, name, legal form, region, EIC, BIC, LEI, VAT, EDRPOU/RNOKPP codes, website, web pages where insider information is disclosed, and the date of exclusion from the register. After the end of martial law, the address of the participant's location, settlement and zip code will also be available.

NEURC is the body responsible in Ukraine for registration of participants, assignment of the ECRB code and entry into the register.

Every business entity engaged in trading operations with wholesale energy products is required to register as a participant in the wholesale energy market.

Update date 07.01.2025 Weekly
Data for period 27.10.2023 - 30.12.2024
Organization NEURC
Information on daily inflow of natural gas into Ukrainian GTS from neighbouring transmission systems of Hungary, Slovakia and Poland.
Update date 07.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 16.03.2016 - 05.01.2025
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

Daily information on the allocated capacities of Ukrainian gas transmission system (GTS) broken down by types of interconnection points and types of capacities (yearly, quarterly, monthly, day-ahead, within-day).

With the introduction of the martial law, information on the allocated capacities of Ukrainian interconnection points has been designated as information with restricted access. Therefore, since mid-February 2022 data on Ukraine are not updated.

Update date 07.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2020 - 30.09.2025
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

Daily information on volumes of physical transmission of natural gas broken down by domestic and transborder interconnection points of Ukrainian gas transmission system.

Following the introduction of martial law, information on volumes of physical transmission of natural gas through the Ukrainian GTS connection points has been designated as information with restricted access. Therefore, since mid-February 2022, the data do not include figures for Ukraine.

Update date 07.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2020 - 05.01.2025
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

Information on the amount of losses caused by the energy infrastructure and utilities of Ukraine as a result of the war. Also indicated the amount of needs in restoration of destroyed objects.

The file is formed from analytical reports of the Kyiv School of Economics (KSE) together with the relevant ministries of Ukraine prepared within the framework of the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the Consequences of the War.

Update date 07.01.2025 Not regularly
Data for period 24.03.2022 - 30.06.2024
Organization Kyiv School of Economics (KSE)

Information on providing international partners with materials, equipment and financing to support and recover the Ukrainian energy infrastructure after the russian attacks. The file is formed from official messages of ministries, administrations, organizations and representative offices of Ukraine and partners.

Update date 07.01.2025 Weekly
Data for period 14.03.2022 - 07.01.2025
Organization DiXi Group

Information on the "green" tariff size established for private households and consumers (including energy cooperatives) whose generating plants generate electricity from renewable energy sources (RES). Tariffs are differentiated depending on the type of generation, producer and installed capacity of plants.

Consumers have the right to install generating plants for electricity production:

  • households - up to 50 kW of solar radiation energy and/or wind energy;
  • other consumers (including energy cooperatives) - up to 150 kW of solar radiation energy and/or wind energy, biomass, biogas, hydropower, geothermal energy.
Update date 06.01.2025 Quarterly
Data for period 28.02.2014 - 01.01.2025
Organization NEURC

Information on the results of monthly auctions on access to the capacity of Ukraine’s cross-border electrical networks by direction of electricity supply, indicating the date of the beginning and end of the auction reserve, the maximum and allocated capacity of cross-border networks, the limit price of electricity and information about the auction winning company, which acquired the right to export and / or import electricity.

The data for February 2022 are not available due to the cancellation of the monthly auction on distribution of capacity for all directions in February in accordance with the Resolution of NEURC № 122 of 25.01.2022.

Update date 06.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2019 - 31.01.2025
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information regarding foreign trade in wood charcoal according to the following Harmonized System (HS) chapter codes: fuel wood (4401000000) and wood charcoal (4402000000). Key indicators are volume of foreign trade by direction of supply and cost of exported and imported volumes.

The data are monthly - estimated and are derived by subtracting from the study period the same figures as in the previous reporting period.

Update date 06.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2010 - 31.10.2024
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine
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