Information on the volume and share of each energy source used for the production of electricity sold on the Day-Ahead (DAM) and/or Intra-Day (IDM) markets.
According to the Resolution of NEURC № 642 of 26.04.2019, when determining the share of each energy source, the Market Operator does not take into account the resale volumes of the electricity purchased on the DAM and IDM.
Information on the average price (including all taxes and levies) for electricity for household and non-household consumers in Ukraine and other European countries. Prices are differentiated depending on annual electricity consumption.
Information on the participants of the energy efficiency support program for multi-apartment buildings called "Energodim," which is implemented by the Energy Efficiency Fund. The program offers partial reimbursement of costs for energy efficiency measures ranging from 40% to 70%. Housing cooperatives (OSBB) can utilize these funds for the installation of individual heating substations, hydraulic system balancing, insulation of pipelines, insulation of walls, roofs, and basement floors, replacement of doors and windows, and more.
The file contains information about program participants, including their name, address, date of application and accession to the program, details of energy efficiency measures taken, as well as information on reimbursements made, energy savings achieved, and reductions in emissions resulting from the implemented measures.
The dataset reflects the implementation status of the Energy Efficiency Fund's program "VidnovyDIM", which was launched in November 2022. The goal of this program is to fund construction work to restore residential buildings damaged due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The source of funding for the program is the funds of the European Union.
The file contains information about the program participant (housing cooperatives), including the name, location address, area, number of households, dates of application submission and joining the program, a list of construction works, as well as the project cost and the amount of the granted funds paid.
The status of projects involving the restoration of residential buildings damaged due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine under the "VidnovyDIM" program by the Energy Efficiency Fund. The dataset contains essential information regarding the number and outcomes of application reviews, project costs, and the progress of restoration works.
The fund provides participants in the program with grants on a non-repayable basis, covering 100% of the material and labour costs, up to a maximum of 7.2 million UAH per building. These funds can be utilized by housing cooperatives for the repair or replacement of damaged windows and doors, roofs, facades, and engineering systems.
State of implementation of energy saving and energy efficiency projects with the participation of the Energy Efficiency Fund under the "Energodim" program. It contains key information on the number and results of consideration of applications, the cost and implementation of projects in the field of energy efficiency.
The program offers partial reimbursement of costs for energy efficiency measures ranging from 40% to 70%. Housing cooperatives (OSBB) can utilize these funds for the installation of individual heating substations, hydraulic system balancing, insulation of pipelines, insulation of walls, roofs, and basement floors, replacement of doors and windows, and more.
Information on the amount of electricity consumption by household and non-household consumers throughout the year and the number of consumers in each category.
Information on the annual volumes of electricity production by types of power plants: NPPs, TPPs, CHP plants, block-type stations, HPPs, PSHPPs, RES.
Information on planned and actual investments in trunk (interstate) power grids aimed at implementing measures for technical re-equipment, reconstruction and construction of power facilities of the transmission system.
Information on planned and actual investments in electricity distribution grids aimed at improving the quality of electricity distribution services, the energy efficiency of electricity grids, increasing their transfer capacity, reducing the technological costs of electricity in electricity grids, etc.
Information on average weighted "green" tariffs of electricity producers from renewable energy sources (RES).
Information on the "green" tariff size established for private households and consumers (including energy cooperatives) whose generating plants generate electricity from renewable energy sources (RES). Tariffs are differentiated depending on the type of generation, producer and installed capacity of plants.
Consumers have the right to install generating plants for electricity production:
- households - up to 50 kW of solar radiation energy and/or wind energy;
- other consumers (including energy cooperatives) - up to 150 kW of solar radiation energy and/or wind energy, biomass, biogas, hydropower, geothermal energy.
Information on financial results of companies itemized by NCEA (National classification of economic activity) divisions. Among the key indicators are cumulative profit or loss of enterprises of given economic branch and total balance. Additionally, the share of profitable and unprofitable companies engaged in given branch of economic activity is mentioned.
Information on financial results of companies itemized by NCEA (National classification of economic activity) classes. Among the key indicators are cumulative profit or loss of enterprises of given economic branch and total balance. Additionally, the share of profitable and unprofitable companies engaged in given branch of economic activity in absolute numbers and percentage terms is mentioned. Data for the years 2010-2020 were partially not made public in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine On the State Statistics regarding confidentiality of statistical information (primary and secondary blocking of vulnerable values).
Information on the total trade volume of electricity under bilateral contracrs in terms of hours.