Information on market participants who was given the status of "pre-default" or "default" in accordance with paragraphs 1.7.1 and 1.7.4 of the Market Rules, approved by the NEURC Resolution of 14.03.2018 № 307.

If the status of "pre-default" lasts for more than two working days, the market participant becomes "default". The loss of the status of "default" occurs after the termination of the agreement on imbalance settlement concluded between the market participant and the Transmission System Operator (TSO).

Update date 20.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.10.2021 - 20.04.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on the number of consumers and settlements who lost electricity supply due to hostilities and number of consumers and settlements for whom the electricity supply has been restored. The file is formed from official messages of local Distribution System Operators (DSO) and Regional Military Administrations (RMA) and is presented in daily detail by regions. 

Data on the number of consumers without natural gas supply and gas recovery are available by link.

Update date 19.04.2024 Weekly
Coverage period 24.02.2022 - 19.04.2024
Organization DiXi Group

Information on the number of consumers and settlements who lost natural gas supply due to hostilities and number of consumers for whom the natural gas supply has been restored. The file is formed from official messages of local gas Distribution Network Operators (DNO) and Regional Military Administrations (RMA) and is presented in daily detail by regions. 

Data on the number of consumers without electricity supply and electricity recovery are available by link.

Update date 19.04.2024 Weekly
Coverage period 24.02.2022 - 19.04.2024
Organization DiXi Group

Information on the number of consumers who lost electricity supply due to hostilities and number of consumers for whom the electricity supply has been restored. The file is formed from statistical reports of the Ministry of Energy "Operational update regarding the russian invasion" and is presented in daily detail by regions. In the reports, the data controller often skips some data for particular regions, as a result, it is not possible to calculate the total value for Ukraine independently, but it is available in the general file about the number of consumers without electricity supply and electricity recovery in Ukraine by link.

Update date 19.04.2024 Not regularly
Coverage period 02.03.2022 - 19.04.2024
Organization Ministry of Energy of Ukraine

Information on the number of settlements and consumers who lost electricity supply due to hostilities and number of consumers for whom the electricity supply has been restored generally in Ukraine. The file is formed from statistical reports of the Ministry of Energy "Operational update regarding the russian invasion" and is presented in daily detail. Detailed data on the number of consumers without electricity supply and electricity recovery by regions are available by links: Ministry of Energy data, DSOs data.

Update date 19.04.2024 Not regularly
Coverage period 05.03.2022 - 19.04.2024
Organization Ministry of Energy of Ukraine

Information on the volume and share of each energy source used for the production of electricity sold on the balancing market.

Update date 19.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.07.2019 - 31.03.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on the volume and share of each energy source used for the production of electricity sold on the Day-Ahead (DAM) and/or Intra-Day (IDM) markets.

According to the Resolution of NEURC № 642 of 26.04.2019, when determining the share of each energy source, the Market Operator does not take into account the resale volumes of the electricity purchased on the DAM and IDM.

Update date 19.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.07.2019 - 31.03.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on volumes of purchased electricity from producers under the "green" tariff with indication of type of generation.

Update date 19.04.2024 Every 10 days
Coverage period 31.12.2021 - 25.03.2024

Information regarding the weighted average price for natural gas in a particular month, based on the results of trading at UEEX. Prices include VAT.

On the UEEX website, from July 1, 2022, prices will be published without VAT (until the specified date, prices will be published with VAT included). In the file, prices are calculated and include VAT.

Update date 19.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.01.2017 - 30.04.2024
Organization Ukrainian Energy Exchange LLC

State of implementation of energy saving and energy efficiency projects with the participation of the Energy Efficiency Fund under the "Energodim" program. It contains key information on the number and results of consideration of applications, the cost and implementation of projects in the field of energy efficiency.

The program offers partial reimbursement of costs for energy efficiency measures ranging from 40% to 70%. Housing cooperatives (OSBB) can utilize these funds for the installation of individual heating substations, hydraulic system balancing, insulation of pipelines, insulation of walls, roofs, and basement floors, replacement of doors and windows, and more.

Update date 18.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.09.2019 - 31.03.2024
Organization Energy Efficiency Fund

Information on the participants of the energy efficiency support program for multi-apartment buildings called "Energodim," which is implemented by the Energy Efficiency Fund. The program offers partial reimbursement of costs for energy efficiency measures ranging from 40% to 70%. Housing cooperatives (OSBB) can utilize these funds for the installation of individual heating substations, hydraulic system balancing, insulation of pipelines, insulation of walls, roofs, and basement floors, replacement of doors and windows, and more.

The file contains information about program participants, including their name, address, date of application and accession to the program, details of energy efficiency measures taken, as well as information on reimbursements made, energy savings achieved, and reductions in emissions resulting from the implemented measures.

Update date 18.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.09.2019 - 12.04.2024
Organization Energy Efficiency Fund
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information regarding the volume of electricity production by generation facilities connected to the networks of Distribution System Operators (DSOs).

The data is obtained from Distribution network development plans developed by each DSO, which include necessary forecasted volumes for new construction, reconstruction, and technical modernization of the distribution system for the next 5 years, with determination of required investments and timelines for implementing relevant measures.

Update date 18.04.2024 Not regularly
Coverage period 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2020
Organization DiXi Group
Information on the results of quarterly capacity allocation auctions at the interconnection points of the Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS). The data is broken down by interconnection points, and includes information on the type of capacity, the amount of free capacity and the total capacity distributed within the auction. The starting and final price of capacities allocation is also mentioned.
Update date 18.04.2024 Quarterly
Coverage period 01.10.2020 - 01.04.2024
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC
Information on the results of day-ahead capacity allocation auctions at the interconnection points of the Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS). The data is broken down by interconnection points, and includes information on the type of capacity, the amount of free capacity and the total capacity distributed within the auction. The starting and final price of capacities allocation is also mentioned.
Update date 18.04.2024 Weekly
Coverage period 01.10.2020 - 19.04.2024
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

Information on Day-Ahead (DAM) and Intra-Day (IDM) markets participants with indication of the status of the participant (active / suspended).

Update date 18.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 30.08.2023 - 18.04.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Daily information on the volumes of transmission of natural gas in/from Ukrainian gas transmission system (GTS) in short-haul and/or customs warehouse regimes. 

Customs warehouse - service of underground gas storages (UGS) operator, which enables companies to store gas in Ukrainian UGSs without paying any taxes or customs duties for 1095 days. 

Short-haul - service of transmission system operator, which enables customers to get discount on gas transmission between certain transborder entry and exit points. This service is available for transit only, without access to Ukrainian domestic market. At the same time it can be combined with the service of customs warehouse.

Update date 17.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.01.2020 - 15.04.2024
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

The file contains information on the monthly weighted average price index based on exchange contracts data for gas condensate.

The weighted average price index is calculated by adding the value for each contracts (price multiplied by the volume of the commodity item), and then dividing by the total volume of the commodity item. The index is calculated for a full month in UAH per ton, taking into account VAT and excise tax and is rounded to the nearest two decimal places.

Update date 17.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.11.2022 - 31.03.2024
Organization Ukrainian Energy Exchange LLC

The file contains information on the monthly weighted average price index based on exchange contracts data for liquefied petroleum gas.

The weighted average price index is calculated by adding the value for each contracts (price multiplied by the volume of the commodity item), and then dividing by the total volume of the commodity item. The index is calculated for a full month in UAH per ton, taking into account VAT and excise tax and is rounded to the nearest two decimal places.

Update date 17.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.11.2022 - 31.03.2024
Organization Ukrainian Energy Exchange LLC

Information on the "green" tariff size established for private households and consumers (including energy cooperatives) whose generating plants generate electricity from renewable energy sources (RES). Tariffs are differentiated depending on the type of generation, producer and installed capacity of plants.

Consumers have the right to install generating plants for electricity production:

  • households - up to 50 kW of solar radiation energy and/or wind energy;
  • other consumers (including energy cooperatives) - up to 150 kW of solar radiation energy and/or wind energy, biomass, biogas, hydropower, geothermal energy.
Update date 17.04.2024 Quarterly
Coverage period 28.02.2014 - 01.04.2024
Organization NEURC
Information on wholesale prices of natural gas in regulated and unregulated market segments, including the prices from extracting companies, as well as the price of imported gas (transmission costs included).
Update date 17.04.2024 Quarterly
Coverage period 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2023
Organization NEURC

Information on Electricity Balancing Service Providers (BSP) from the BSP Registry maintained by the Transmission System Operator (TSO) of NPC "Ukrenergo". The registry contains information on the market participant: EIC and USREOU codes, company name, location, role, status of registration and contact details, as well as information on concluded agreements on the imbalances settlement and participation in the balancing market.

Update date 17.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 24.08.2023 - 17.04.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on the total trade volume of electricity under bilateral contracrs in terms of hours.

Update date 17.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.07.2019 - 17.04.2024
Organization NEURC

Information on the volume of liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports by European countries indicating partner countries. LNG volumes are indicated in cubic units - cubic meters and energy units - terajoules.

Update date 17.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.01.2013 - 31.03.2024
Organization Eurostat

In order to identify the processes, objects and participants of the energy market, ENTSO-E developed the EIC coding system (Energy Identification Coding). The purpose of the system is to ensure harmonized electronic data interchange with market participants operating in different markets. The coding scheme allows to encode different objects in the energy market: market participants (transmission system operators, consumers, producers, suppliers, balance responsible parties and others), network elements (generating units, cross-borders connections, elements of the transmission system, transformers and others), commercial metering units, etc.

The file contains, respectively, data on market participants assigned with EIC.

Update date 17.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 28.09.2023 - 17.04.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on the number of consumers (households), not equipped with commercial gas metering devices. The data is broken down by distribution system operators (DSO) and by types of gas consumption (for cooking, water heating, multi-purpose, etc.)

Update date 17.04.2024 Quarterly
Coverage period 01.01.2021 - 01.01.2024
Organization NEURC

The status of projects involving the restoration of residential buildings damaged due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine under the "VidnovyDIM" program by the Energy Efficiency Fund. The dataset contains essential information regarding the number and outcomes of application reviews, project costs, and the progress of restoration works.

The fund provides participants in the program with grants on a non-repayable basis, covering 100% of the material and labour costs, up to a maximum of 7.2 million UAH per building. These funds can be utilized by housing cooperatives for the repair or replacement of damaged windows and doors, roofs, facades, and engineering systems.

Update date 17.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.11.2022 - 31.03.2024
Organization Energy Efficiency Fund

The dataset reflects the implementation status of the Energy Efficiency Fund's program "VidnovyDIM", which was launched in November 2022. The goal of this program is to fund construction work to restore residential buildings damaged due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The source of funding for the program is the funds of the European Union.

The file contains information about the program participant (housing cooperatives), including the name, location address, area, number of households, dates of application submission and joining the program, a list of construction works, as well as the project cost and the amount of the granted funds paid.

Update date 17.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.11.2022 - 17.04.2024
Organization Energy Efficiency Fund
Information on the volume of positive and negative imbalances and the number of gas transportation system (GTS) customers responsible for them.
Update date 17.04.2024 Quarterly
Coverage period 01.03.2019 - 31.12.2023
Organization NEURC

Information on massive strikes by missiles and drones carried out by russia on the objects of critical infrastructure of Ukraine. The file contains information on the number of missiles and drones fired and shot down in terms of days. The file was formed from official reports of the branches and representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

After October 10, the main goal of hostile strikes was the objects of energy infrastructure of Ukraine, so the file gathered information about all mass strikes since 10.10.2022.

Update date 15.04.2024 Every 10 days
Coverage period 11.09.2022 - 15.04.2024
Organization DiXi Group
The dataset contains information regarding consumption of natural gas itemized by categories of consumers: households. industry, TKE (district heating enterprises) and budget organizations.
Update date 15.04.2024 Quarterly
Coverage period 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2023
Organization NEURC

Information on the competition on the retail natural gas market, namely the shares market structure by volume of natural gas supply to consumers. Among the suppliers: DTEK, Regional Gas Company, Naftogaz, Tviy Gaszbut and others.

Update date 15.04.2024 Quarterly
Coverage period 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2023
Organization NEURC

Information on the electricity price indexes of the base, peak and off-peak load, which were formed on the Intraday Market (IDM) in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries: Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, as well as the Czech Republic.

By February 24, 2022, two separate trade zones "Burshtyn TPP Island" and "Integrated Power System of Ukraine" existed because of the technical features of the Ukrainian energy system. In order to test the stability of the energy system in preparation for integration with ENTSO-E, the 24.02.2022 Ukrainian energy network was disconnected from the networks of all neighbouring countries (except Moldova), and the internal systems were synchronized. Since that moment, there is a single trading zone for the entire energy system of Ukraine. It should be noted that until February 24, indicators for Ukraine were calculated for the trade zone of the main part of the IPS of Ukraine, excluding the Burshtyn TPP Island.

Update date 15.04.2024 Weekly
Coverage period 27.08.2019 - 13.04.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on the electricity price indexes of the base, peak and off-peak load, which were formed on the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries: Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary.

By February 24, 2022, two separate trade zones "Burshtyn TPP Island" and "Integrated Power System of Ukraine" existed because of the technical features of the Ukrainian energy system. In order to test the stability of the energy system in preparation for integration with ENTSO-E, the 24.02.2022 Ukrainian energy network was disconnected from the networks of all neighbouring countries (except Moldova), and the internal systems were synchronized. Since that moment, there is a single trading zone for the entire energy system of Ukraine.

Update date 15.04.2024 Weekly
Coverage period 27.08.2019 - 15.04.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information regarding the results of daily auctions on access to the capacity of Ukraine’s cross-border electrical networks by direction of electricity supply is provided in the dataset. It includes data such as the auction reserve date, offered, requested, and allocated of cross-border networks, the marginal price of electricity, and information about the auction winning company, which acquired the right to export and / or import electricity.

Starting from January 2024, a portion of joint auctions for the allocation of daily capacity is conducted on the European platform, Joint Allocation Platform (JAO). To ensure maximum data completeness and ease of analysis, the dataset combines indicators from the electronic auction platform "Ukrenergo" and the European platform JAO. Due to differences in data structures on these platforms, some data may be missing.

Update date 15.04.2024 Weekly
Coverage period 15.11.2019 - 15.04.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo, Joint Allocation Office

Information on volumes of exported and imported electricity from / to the Integrated Power System (IPS) of Ukraine in hourly terms, indicating the energy system.

In connection with the termination of publication of NPC Ukrenergo data due to the martial law, the indicators of foreign electricity trade have been received from the public dashboard of the NEURC since February 24, 2022.

Update date 15.04.2024 Weekly
Coverage period 01.07.2019 - 15.04.2024
Organization NEURC, National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on the structure of sale and purchase of electricity on the day-ahead market (DAM) by the subjects of trade activity, indicating the trade zone, amount and share of accepted and declared electricity and the weighted average price of bids.

Update date 15.04.2024 Weekly
Coverage period 01.07.2019 - 14.04.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on the structure of sale and purchase of electricity on the intraday market (IDM) by the subjects of trade activity, indicating the trade zone, amount and share of accepted and declared electricity and the weighted average price of bids.

Update date 15.04.2024 Weekly
Coverage period 07.01.2019 - 13.04.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on the aggregate market price indicators of the day-ahead market (DAM), namely: the cost of electricity during the period of base, peak and off-peak load, minimum, maximum and weighted average price of electricity indicating the trade zone.

Update date 15.04.2024 Weekly
Coverage period 01.07.2019 - 15.04.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on the price indicators of the intraday electricity market (IDM), namely the minimum, maximum and last price of electricity, the declared and actual sale and purchase of electricity and the demand indicating the trade zone.

Update date 14.04.2024 Weekly
Coverage period 07.01.2019 - 14.04.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on market price indicators of the day-ahead market (DAM), namely: price, declared and actual sale and purchase of electricity, and demand indicating the trade zone.

Update date 14.04.2024 Weekly
Coverage period 01.07.2019 - 15.04.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on the number of active enterprises whose activities are related to the production of goods and the provision of services in the energy sector. The data are presented by regions indicating the types of economic activity as of November 1 of each year.

Update date 12.04.2024 Annually
Coverage period 01.11.2021 - 01.11.2023
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine
Information on the results of monthly capacity allocation auctions at the interconnection points of the Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS). The data is broken down by interconnection points, and includes information on the type of capacity, the amount of free capacity and the total capacity distributed within the auction. The starting and final price of capacities allocation is also mentioned.
Update date 11.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.10.2020 - 01.05.2024
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC
Information on the results of within-day capacity allocation auctions at the interconnection points of the Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS). The data is broken down by interconnection points, and includes information on the type of capacity, the amount of free capacity and the total capacity distributed within the auction. The starting and final price of capacities allocation is also mentioned.
Update date 11.04.2024 Not regularly
Coverage period 02.10.2020 - 06.04.2024
Organization Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine LLC

Information on the volume of paid funds of the Guaranteed Buyer SE to producers under the "green" tariff. The amount of debt of NPC Ukrenergo to Guaranteed Buyer for the service on increasing the share of electricity from alternative sources is also specified.

Update date 11.04.2024 Every 10 days
Coverage period 31.12.2021 - 25.03.2024

Information on price caps for supply of balancing electric power, which are applied by the transmission system operator (TSO) Ukrenergo in the market management system, separately for trade zones (until 24.02.2022).

Update date 11.04.2024 Not regularly
Coverage period 01.12.2019 - 08.04.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on marginal prices (determined on the basis of the balance of supply and demand and which are distributed to all market participants) of activated balancing energy, which were formed on the balancing market in the corresponding calculation period for upward / downward.

The marginal price of the activated upward balancing energy for each unit of real time is determined at the level of the highest price in the supply of balancing electricity, which was accepted to ensure an increase in balancing electricity.

The marginal price of the activated downward balancing energy is determined at the level of the lowest price in the supply of balancing electricity, which was accepted to ensure a reduction in balancing electricity.

Update date 11.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.08.2020 - 31.03.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on the balancing market results, which indicates the prices and amount of electricity buying and selling on auctions of the balancing market for upward and downward. The data are presented in hourly terms, indicating the trade zone.

Update date 11.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.07.2019 - 31.03.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on the total electricity imbalance (positive and negative) with an indication of the trade zone. The electricity imbalance is the difference, calculated for each period, between the actual amount of the electricity produced or consumed, imported, exported by the party responsible for the balance and the amount of electricity purchased and sold, registered according to the Market Rules.

The amount of total electricity imbalance is provided according to calculations made by the Settlements Administrator - NPC "Ukrenergo" according to the Market Rules.

Update date 11.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.01.2020 - 31.03.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on actual imbalance prices prevailing within the market and for which calculations will be made, indicating the imbalance costs and the price of payments for negative and positive imbalance in hourly terms, indicating the energy system.

Update date 11.04.2024 Monthly
Coverage period 01.10.2019 - 31.03.2024
Organization National Power Company Ukrenergo

Information on price caps for electricity in bids on the intra-day market (IDM) for each settlement period of the corresponding delivery day. The file specifies both the maximum price limit (price cap) and the minimum price limit (price floor).

Update date 11.04.2024 Not regularly
Coverage period 01.07.2019 - 30.04.2024
Organization NEURC
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