Cross-border physical flows of electricity

Information on the amount of cross-border physical flows of electricity between the Integrated Energy System (IPS) of Ukraine and the energy systems of neighbouring countries: Moldova, Slovakia, Hung…

Russian gas inflow and transit

Information regarding the volumes of Russian gas flow from and out of Ukrainian gas transmission system and country to or from which gas is transited. The data is broken down by interconnection point…

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6 resources

Investments in trunk electricity networks

Information on planned and actual investments in trunk (interstate) power grids aimed at implementing measures for technical re-equipment, reconstruction and construction of power facilities of the t…

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1 resource

Capacity of domestic interconnection points of Ukrainian GTS

Information on technical capacity of domestic interconnection points of Ukrainian GTS (both physical and virtual points).

Results of within-day capacity allocation auctions for interconnection points of Ukrainian GTS

Information on the results of within-day capacity allocation auctions at the interconnection points of the Ukrainian gas transportation system (GTS). The data is broken down by interconnection points…

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13 resources

Tariffs for oil transportation through trunk pipelines of Ukrtransnafta JSC

Information on the dynamics of change of tariffs for oil transportation through trunk pipelines of Ukrtransnafta JSC.

Tariffs for natural gas transmission for domestic interconnection points of Ukrainian GTS (2014-2019)

Archived information regarding transmission tariffs for domestic interconnection points (prior to 2019) itemized by DSOs to which natural gas is transported. Besides, weighted average transmission ta…

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13 resources

Debts of gas-DSOs owed to gas TSO for negative imbalances

Information on the debts of gas DSOs owed to the TSO for natural gas withdrawn from gas transmission system (negative imbalances). Operators are itemized by the groups of companies, to which they bel…

Marginal sale and purchase price of LLC "Operator GTS of Ukraine"

Information on marginal purchase and sale price of natural gas by transmission system operator. Such prices are used for calculating payments for positive and negative imbalances of TSO customer. Bas…

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6 resources

Planned and actual outages on cross-border lines

Information on planned and actual outages on cross-border lines for servicing, repair, testing, etc., as well as limitations on the amount of available capacity of cross-border lines.

Natural gas heating value by region

Information on net and gross heating value of natural gas supplied to household and non-household consumers. Additionally, number of passports of physical and chemical parameters of natural gas is me…

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4 resources

Gas transmission in short-haul and/or customs warehouse regimes

Daily information on the volumes of transmission of natural gas in/from Ukrainian gas transmission system (GTS) in short-haul and/or customs warehouse regimes. Customs warehouse - service of undergro…

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1 resource

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