Length and ownership structure of gas distribution networks

Information on length of gas distribution networks itemized by distribution system operators (DSOs) and types of ownership (state, municicpal private - in ownership of DSO or other companies).

Information on the territory of the DSO's licensed activity

Information on trade zones within which Distribution System Operators (DSO) carry out distribution of electricity, territory of operation and DSO type (core / non-core).

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8 resources

Registry of business entities operating in the fields of energy and utilities

List of business entities engaged in activities in the fields of energy and utilities, the activities of which are regulated by the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC). The fi…

Register of issued energy identification codes (EIC)

In order to identify the processes, objects and participants of the energy market, ENTSO-E developed the EIC coding system (Energy Identification Coding). The purpose of the system is to ensure harmo…

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15 resources

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