Information on market participants who was given the status of "pre-default" or "default" in accordance with paragraphs 1.7.1 and 1.7.4 of the Market Rules, approved by the NEURC Resolution of 14.03.2018 № 307.
If the status of "pre-default" lasts for more than two working days, the market participant becomes "default". The loss of the status of "default" occurs after the termination of the agreement on imbalance settlement concluded between the market participant and the Transmission System Operator (TSO).
In order to identify the processes, objects and participants of the energy market, ENTSO-E developed the EIC coding system (Energy Identification Coding). The purpose of the system is to ensure harmonized electronic data interchange with market participants operating in different markets. The coding scheme allows to encode different objects in the energy market: market participants (transmission system operators, consumers, producers, suppliers, balance responsible parties and others), network elements (generating units, cross-borders connections, elements of the transmission system, transformers and others), commercial metering units, etc.
The file contains, respectively, data on market participants assigned with EIC.
Information from the Register of electric power facilities and electrical installations of consumers (including active consumers) using alternative energy sources for electricity production.
The register includes a list of power plants that produce electricity from alternative energy sources: solar radiation, water, wind, biomass, and biogas. For each generation facility, the register provides information about its owner, location (region), name, and details about the support scheme for production from RES (e.g., "green" tariff).
The register contains information about energy market participants, including the date of submission of the registration form, registration date, assigned ECRB code, name, legal form, region, EIC, BIC, LEI, VAT, EDRPOU/RNOKPP codes, website, web pages where insider information is disclosed, and the date of exclusion from the register. After the end of martial law, the address of the participant's location, settlement and zip code will also be available.
NEURC is the body responsible in Ukraine for registration of participants, assignment of the ECRB code and entry into the register.
Every business entity engaged in trading operations with wholesale energy products is required to register as a participant in the wholesale energy market.
Information on Electricity Balancing Service Providers (BSP) from the BSP Registry maintained by the Transmission System Operator (TSO) of NPC "Ukrenergo". The registry contains information on the market participant: EIC and USREOU codes, company name, location, role, status of registration and contact details, as well as information on concluded agreements on the imbalances settlement and participation in the balancing market.
Information on the dynamics of changes in the producer price index (PPI), presented in terms of sections and groups of the Classification of Types of Economic Activities.
The price index represents the ratio between the prices of a particular good or service in the reporting and base periods, expressed as a percentage. To determine the dynamics of change for this index in the reporting month, 100 percent is subtracted from the index.
The data set contains price indices with different base periods:
- Reporting month vs. previous month;
- Reporting month vs. December of the previous year;
- Reporting month vs. the corresponding month of the previous year;
- Reporting period vs. the corresponding period of the previous year (this index is calculated by summing the monthly indices from the beginning of the current year up to and including the reporting month, relative to the same period of the previous year).
NEURC registry of licensees is a list of economic entities that have been licensed to conduct economic activities in the field of energy, in particular:
- electricity and heat production;
- natural gas, oil, oil products and heat transportation;
- electricity and natural gas distribution;
- electricity, natural gas and heat supply;
- natural gas storage;
- trading activities implementation, etc.
The registry of licensees is formed and maintained by the NEURC and contains information on economic entities (name, type of economic activity, region, telephone number, e-mail address, website) and information on NEURC resolution on the issuance of a license.
List of business entities engaged in activities in the fields of energy and utilities, the activities of which are regulated by the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission (NEURC). The file includes the name of the entity, the number and list of valid licenses, as well as the region of the legal address.
Information on Day-Ahead (DAM) and Intra-Day (IDM) markets participants with indication of the status of the participant (active / suspended).
Information on the ownership structure of gas Distribution System Operators (GDSO). The section of each DSO contains information about the owner of the securities and the size of his share in the company's capital, as well as information about the securities (form of issue, nominal value and quantity).
Information on the ownership structure of the electricity Distribution System Operators (DSO). The section of each DSO contains information about the owner of the securities and the size of his share in the company's capital, as well as information about the securities (form of issue, nominal value and quantity).
Information on electricity suppliers that operate in the territory of distribution system operators (DSOs), including supplier and DSO information, supply segment, amount of electricity distributed, type and number of customers.
The information is collected according to the contractual relationship between the supplier and the DSO. Consequently, companies that did not have contracts with the DSO were not listed.
The last month’s supply of electricity is the DSO operational information and may be inconsistent with the suppliers.