Daily information on the allocated capacities of Ukrainian gas transmission system (GTS) broken down by types of interconnection points and types of capacities (yearly, quarterly, monthly, day-ahead, within-day).
With the introduction of the martial law, information on the allocated capacities of Ukrainian interconnection points has been designated as information with restricted access. Therefore, since mid-February 2022 data on Ukraine are not updated.
Information regarding the results of daily auctions on access to the capacity of Ukraine’s cross-border electrical networks by direction of electricity supply is provided in the dataset. It includes data such as the auction reserve date, offered, requested, and allocated of cross-border networks, the marginal price of electricity, and information about the auction winning company, which acquired the right to export and / or import electricity.
Starting from January 2024, a portion of joint auctions for the allocation of daily capacity is conducted on the European platform, Joint Allocation Platform (JAO). To ensure maximum data completeness and ease of analysis, the dataset combines indicators from the electronic auction platform "Ukrenergo" and the European platform JAO. Due to differences in data structures on these platforms, some data may be missing.
Information on the results of monthly auctions on access to the capacity of Ukraine’s cross-border electrical networks by direction of electricity supply, indicating the date of the beginning and end of the auction reserve, the maximum and allocated capacity of cross-border networks, the limit price of electricity and information about the auction winning company, which acquired the right to export and / or import electricity.
The data for February 2022 are not available due to the cancellation of the monthly auction on distribution of capacity for all directions in February in accordance with the Resolution of NEURC № 122 of 25.01.2022.
Information on the results of annual auctions on access to the capacity of Ukraine's cross-border electrical networks by direction of electricity supply. Key indicators include the date of the beginning and end of the auction reserve, the maximum and allocated capacity of cross-border networks, the limit price of electricity and information about the auction winning company, which acquired the right to export and/or import electricity.
According to the Ministry’s Resolution № 2452 of 01.12.2021, annual auctions on access to the capacity of cross-border electrical networks for 2022 are not planned.
Information on the transfer capacity of cross-border electrical networks for each settlement period. In hourly detail, given the information on the net and available transfer capacity of the cross-border networks, as well as the capacity allocated by the outcome of the auctions, with an indication of the direction of distribution.