Information on the "green" tariff size established for private households and consumers (including energy cooperatives) whose generating plants generate electricity from renewable energy sources (RES). Tariffs are differentiated depending on the type of generation, producer and installed capacity of plants.
Consumers have the right to install generating plants for electricity production:
- households - up to 50 kW of solar radiation energy and/or wind energy;
- other consumers (including energy cooperatives) - up to 150 kW of solar radiation energy and/or wind energy, biomass, biogas, hydropower, geothermal energy.
Information on the volume and share of each energy source used for the production of electricity sold on the Day-Ahead (DAM) and/or Intra-Day (IDM) markets.
According to the Resolution of NEURC № 642 of 26.04.2019, when determining the share of each energy source, the Market Operator does not take into account the resale volumes of the electricity purchased on the DAM and IDM.
Information on the electricity generated by private households purchased by Universal Service Suppliers (USS) according to the model of assignment of special duties (PSO).
Information on volumes of purchased electricity from producers under the "green" tariff with indication of type of generation.
Information on the annual volumes of electricity production by types of power plants: NPPs, TPPs, CHP plants, block-type stations, HPPs, PSHPPs, RES.
Information on average weighted "green" tariffs of electricity producers from renewable energy sources (RES).
Information on the amount of electricity generated from renewable energy sources (RES) by generation facilities operating at a "green" tariff. The data include the company name with the USREOU code and type of generation, as well as information on the "green" tariff and its surcharge.
Generalized data on electricity production by generation type since January 2017 are available by link.
Information regarding the volume of electricity production by generation facilities connected to the networks of Distribution System Operators (DSOs).
The data is obtained from Distribution network development plans developed by each DSO, which include necessary forecasted volumes for new construction, reconstruction, and technical modernization of the distribution system for the next 5 years, with determination of required investments and timelines for implementing relevant measures.
The list of operators for which data was collected is provided in the Methodology.
Information on the supply and consumption of fuel at the TPPs and CHPs, in particular gas and anthracite coal, natural gas and fuel oil. The data are presented on selected stations and indicate the enterprises to which they belong.
Information on fuel reserves at TPP and CHP warehouses are available by link.
Information on the forecast and actual heat supply and losses by heat-generating facilities.
Information on the amount of electricity generated by generation facilities operating at a "green" tariff, by type of generation.
Detailed data on electricity production by each generation facility are available at the link.
Information on the hydropower plants electricity generation of the PJSC Ukrhydroenergo. Data on daily production volumes by power plants.
Information on the amount of thermal energy produced by thermal power plants (TPP) and by combined heat and power plants (CHP). The data make it possible to estimate heat consumption by region.
There are cases where data is skipped. These data are confidential and are not published in order to comply with the requirements of the Law "On State Statistics" on the confidentiality of statistical information.
Information on electricity supply by thermal power plants (TPPs) and combined heat and power plants (CHPs) by regions.
There are cases where data is skipped. These data are confidential and are not published in order to comply with the requirements of the Law "On State Statistics" on the confidentiality of statistical information.
Information on the amount of electricity output detailed by type of power plants: nuclear, cogeneration, renewable, thermal, hydroelectric, pumped storage power plants.