The file contains the average annual values of electricity supply tariffs, i.e., one indicator per year for each consumer class.
Information on prices for universal services for small non-household consumers, which are included in the category of consumers of universal services. The data are presented in the context of Universal Service Suppliers (USS) and Distribution System Operators (DSO), to the networks to which the consumers of the relevant USS are connected. The category and class of consumers are also specified.
Information on the level of payment for electricity purchased by electricity supply licensees at the regulated tariff on the wholesale electricity market (WEM). The data include payments for the current period, including surcharges for 14 days of the next period.
Information on the structure of debts for electricity consumed to licensees for electric power supply at a regulated tariff by economic sectors.
Information on the level of payment for electricity consumed by industrial, municipal, budgetary consumers, and the households in terms of companies supplying electricity.
Information on electricity settlements of consumers at the regulated tariff and power supply companies for electricity purchased on the wholesale market, taking into account the repayment of debts of previous periods.
Indicators of commercial quality of heat supply services provided by licensees for heat supply and transportation by central and local (distribution) heat networks in terms of the types of services provided are presented. The 2019 indicators cover data for Q2 - Q4.
Information on the quality of services provided to consumers by distribution system operators (DSOs). Key indicators: the total number of services and the number of requests with the exceeded execution time.
Information on the volume of heat used for enterprises' production, operational and economic needs, not including the volume supplied to the households by regions.
Information on the actual values of indicators of the average duration of interruptions in the heat supply, which occurred due to companies' fault, due to planned interruptions, or due to force majeure, and their number, structured by licensees for heat supply.
Information on the amount of own heat losses of NEURC licensees in heating networks by regions.
Information on the electricity balance of the Integrated Power System (IPS) of Ukraine in terms of generation (NPP, TPP, CHP, HPP, PSPP, RES), imports and exports and the actual volume of consumption (gross) of electricity in a monthly detalization. As of April 2021, the Ministry of Energy ceased the publication of data under the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 03.03.2021 № 407 as Ukrenergo was appointed as the data administrator.
Information on the amount of electricity used for production, operational and business needs of enterprises, not including the amount supplied to the households, itemized by regions
There are cases where data is skipped. These data are confidential and are not published to comply with the requirements of the Law "On State Statistics" on the confidentiality of statistical information.
Information on the average electricity consumption by household consumers in Ukraine by consumer category and the number of subscribers in each category.
Information on the average consumption of electricity by household consumers by region. In addition, the consumer category and the number of subscribers in each category are specified.
Tariffs for electricity distribution are set (including revision and refinement, in particular among the forecast year) by the NEURC for each DSO. The file contains the average annual rates for electricity distribution, that is, one indicator per year for each class of consumers.
Information on the structure of average annual tariffs of NPC "Ukrenergo" for electricity transmission by trunk and interstate power grids, including payment for centralized dispatch control of the Integrated Power System (IPS) of Ukraine. Key indicators: constituent parts of costs, which are included in the calculation of the tariff and the amount of costs in the current tariff.
Information about the annual average tariffs for electricity transmission by trunk and interstate power grids, including the fee for centralized dispatch control of the Integrated Power System (IPS) of Ukraine, which was set for the NPC "Ukrenergo" by the Regulator (NEURC) under the old market model.
Information on the installed thermal capacity of thermal power plants (TPP) and combined heat and power plants (CHP) by region.
There are cases where data is skipped. These data are confidential and are not published in order to comply with the requirements of the Law "On State Statistics" on the confidentiality of statistical information.
Information on the installed thermal capacity of power plants by regions.
Information on installed thermal capacity of power plants, detailed by type of power plants.
Information on installed electrical capacity of general-purpose power plants (enterprises whose main activity by NCEA (National classification of economic activity) belongs to the "Electricity production and distribution" or "Steam and hot water supply") and power plants of enterprises (the main activity is different, but there are power plants on the enterprise’s balance sheet).
Information on the installed electrical capacity of thermal power plants (TPP) and by combined heat and power plants (CHP) by region.
There are cases where data is skipped. These data are confidential and are not published in order to comply with the requirements of the Law "On State Statistics" on the confidentiality of statistical information.
Information on installed electricity production capacity by power plant types: nuclear, cogeneration, renewable, thermal, hydroelectric, pumped storage power plants.
Information on the installed electricity capacity of power plants by region.
Information on the amount of thermal energy produced by thermal power plants (TPP) and by combined heat and power plants (CHP). The data make it possible to estimate heat consumption by region.
There are cases where data is skipped. These data are confidential and are not published in order to comply with the requirements of the Law "On State Statistics" on the confidentiality of statistical information.
Information on electricity supply by thermal power plants (TPPs) and combined heat and power plants (CHPs) by regions.
There are cases where data is skipped. These data are confidential and are not published in order to comply with the requirements of the Law "On State Statistics" on the confidentiality of statistical information.
Information on the amount of electricity output detailed by type of power plants: nuclear, cogeneration, renewable, thermal, hydroelectric, pumped storage power plants.