Information on the state of payments and debts in the electricity balancing market (BM). Includes data on financial obligations of NPC Ukrenergo to market participants, as well as debts of market participants to NPC Ukrenergo.
Information on price caps for supply of balancing electric power, which are applied by the transmission system operator (TSO) Ukrenergo in the market management system, separately for trade zones (until 24.02.2022).
Information on the volume and share of each energy source used for the production of electricity sold on the balancing market.
Information on marginal prices (determined on the basis of the balance of supply and demand and which are distributed to all market participants) of activated balancing energy, which were formed on the balancing market in the corresponding calculation period for upward / downward.
The marginal price of the activated upward balancing energy for each unit of real time is determined at the level of the highest price in the supply of balancing electricity, which was accepted to ensure an increase in balancing electricity.
The marginal price of the activated downward balancing energy is determined at the level of the lowest price in the supply of balancing electricity, which was accepted to ensure a reduction in balancing electricity.
Information on actual imbalance prices prevailing within the market and for which calculations will be made, indicating the imbalance costs and the price of payments for negative and positive imbalance in hourly terms, indicating the energy system.
Information on the total electricity imbalance (positive and negative) with an indication of the trade zone. The electricity imbalance is the difference, calculated for each period, between the actual amount of the electricity produced or consumed, imported, exported by the party responsible for the balance and the amount of electricity purchased and sold, registered according to the Market Rules.
The amount of total electricity imbalance is provided according to calculations made by the Settlements Administrator - NPC "Ukrenergo" according to the Market Rules.
Information on the balancing market results, which indicates the prices and amount of electricity buying and selling on auctions of the balancing market for upward and downward. The data are presented in hourly terms, indicating the trade zone.
Information on market participants on the balancing market with indication of the size of market share by command to upward and downward of electricity.