Information on the aggregate market price indicators of the day-ahead market (DAM), namely: the cost of electricity during the period of base, peak and off-peak load, minimum, maximum and weighted average price of electricity indicating the trade zone.

Update date 05.02.2025 Daily
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 05.02.2025
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on market price indicators of the day-ahead market (DAM), namely: price, declared and actual sale and purchase of electricity, and demand indicating the trade zone.

Update date 05.02.2025 Daily
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 05.02.2025
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on the electricity price indexes of the base, peak and off-peak load, which were formed on the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries: Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary.

By February 24, 2022, two separate trade zones "Burshtyn TPP Island" and "Integrated Power System of Ukraine" existed because of the technical features of the Ukrainian energy system. In order to test the stability of the energy system in preparation for integration with ENTSO-E, the 24.02.2022 Ukrainian energy network was disconnected from the networks of all neighbouring countries (except Moldova), and the internal systems were synchronized. Since that moment, there is a single trading zone for the entire energy system of Ukraine.

Update date 05.02.2025 Daily
Data for period 27.08.2019 - 04.02.2025
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on price caps for electricity in bids on the day-ahead market (DAM) for each settlement period of the corresponding delivery day. The file specifies both the maximum price limit (price cap) and the minimum price limit (price floor).

Update date 16.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 31.01.2025
Organization NEURC

Information on the structure of sale and purchase of electricity on the day-ahead market (DAM) by the subjects of trade activity, indicating the trade zone, amount and share of accepted and declared electricity and the weighted average price of bids.

Starting from December 31, 2024, the Market Operator has ceased publishing data on trades in the DAM and IDM.

Update date 30.12.2024 Daily
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 29.12.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on market participants' bids for purchasing electricity on the day-ahead market (DAM) with specified volumes and prices for each hour of the day.

Update date 27.12.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 26.12.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC

Information on market participants' bids for selling electricity on the day-ahead market (DAM) with specified volumes and prices for each hour of the day.

Update date 01.11.2024 Monthly
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 31.10.2024
Organization Market Operator JSC
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on market participants on the day-ahead market (DAM) with indication of the size of market share by volume of sale and purchase of electricity. For the trade zone "IPS of Ukraine" there are 50 largest participants, for the trade zone " Burshtyn TPP Island" – all participants.

Update date 18.01.2023 Monthly
Data for period 01.07.2019 - 31.01.2022
Organization NEURC
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