Subsidies for payment for solid fuel / gas in general
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22
Information on recipients of housing subsidies for fuel purchase, aggregated by region, indicating the number of recipients and the amount of cash and non-cash subsidies accrued, the number of households applying and awarded for the subsidy.
The fuel subsidy covers the cost of liquefied gas, solid and liquid heating oil for domestic use and is granted once a year in the event that the house is not supplied with electricity, heat or gas for heating purposes.
As of January 1, 2023, the Pension Fund of Ukraine has been designated as responsible for filling out the Unified State Register of Housing Subsidy Recipients, data are available by link.
Update date
Jan. 27, 2022, 12:50 p.m.
Data for period
01.01.2020 - 31.12.2021
Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
Field | Name | Description |
date_start | Date start |
- |
date_end | Date end |
- |
year | Year |
- |
month | Month |
- |
region | Region |
- |
household_total_number | Total number of subsidy recipients from the beginning of the year, units |
units |
amount_year | Amount of accrued subsidies from the beginning of the year, thousand UAH |
thousand UAH |
amount_month | Amount of accrued subsidies in the reporting month, thousand UAH |
thousand UAH |
household_exept_0_number_year | Number of recipients over 0 UAH from the beginning of the year, units |
units |
household_exept_0_number_month | Number of recipients over 0 UAH in the reporting month, units |
units |
amount_average | Average amount of subsidy, UAH |
household_apply_number | Number of households that applied for a subsidy in the reporting month, units |
units |
household_assign_number | Number of households assigned a subsidy in the reporting month, units |
units |
Name | Format | Size | Count of rows | Date updated | |
2021_12_31_uk_subsydii_opalennia.csv | UK CSV | 58.23 KB | 583 | Jan. 27, 2022, 12:49 p.m. | Download |
2021_12_31_uk_subsydii_opalennia.xlsx | UK XLSX | 46.30 KB | 583 | Jan. 27, 2022, 12:49 p.m. | Download |
2021_12_31_en_subsydii_opalennia.csv | EN CSV | 50.73 KB | 583 | Jan. 27, 2022, 12:50 p.m. | Download |
2021_12_31_en_subsydii_opalennia.xlsx | EN XLSX | 45.17 KB | 583 | Jan. 27, 2022, 12:50 p.m. | Download |