Actual selling price of natural gas
Information on the dynamics of the actual selling price of natural gas.
The actual selling price for natural gas produced in Ukraine since August 1, 2022 is the maximum value of the following:
- average weighted price of natural gas, defined in agreements with Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC;
- average weighted price of natural gas, according to the results of the auctions on organized commodity markets;
- arithmetic mean price of the indicators published in the reports Argus European Natural Gas and ICIS European Spot Gas Market.
Until August 2022, the actual selling price of natural gas was considered to be the price defined in the relevant contracts of purchase and sale of natural gas between the rent-payer and the natural gas market entity, on which the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has special responsibilities regarding the formation of the natural gas resource for households and producers of thermal energy.
According to the Tax Code, the actual selling price of natural gas is used to calculate rent for the use of subsoil for natural gas production.
Field | Name | Description |
date_start | Date start |
- |
date_end | Date end |
- |
month | Month |
- |
price_actual | Actual selling price, UAH |
UAH/1000 m3 (without VAT) |
price_naftogaz | Average weighted price, defined in agreements with Naftogaz of Ukraine, UAH |
UAH/1000 m3 (without VAT) |
price_market | Average weighted price, according to the results of the auctions on organized commodity markets, UAH |
UAH/1000 m3 (without VAT) |
price_mean | Arithmetic mean price UA VTP Gas price, UAH |
UAH/1000 m3 (without VAT) |
price_mean_argus | Arithmetic mean price, published in the report Argus European Natural Gas, UAH |
UAH/1000 m3 (without VAT) |
price_mean_icis | Arithmetic mean price, published in the report ICIS European Spot Gas Market, UAH |
UAH/1000 m3 (without VAT) |
Name | Format | Size | Count of rows | Date updated | |
2024_11_30_uk_faktychna_tsina_haz.csv | UK CSV | 2.25 KB | 33 | Dec. 10, 2024, 10:19 p.m. | Download |
2024_11_30_uk_faktychna_tsina_haz.xlsx | UK XLSX | 6.90 KB | 33 | Dec. 10, 2024, 10:19 p.m. | Download |
2024_11_30_en_faktychna_tsina_haz.csv | EN CSV | 2.25 KB | 33 | Dec. 10, 2024, 10:19 p.m. | Download |
2024_11_30_en_faktychna_tsina_haz.xlsx | EN XLSX | 6.76 KB | 33 | Dec. 10, 2024, 10:19 p.m. | Download |