Instytutska St., 18a
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Kyiv, Instytutska St., 18a, office 2


+38 044 253 66 94


Energy Map is the largest database of official information about all sections of the Ukrainian energy sector.

It is a unique portal that allows users to quickly find up-to-date stats, including market data. Using the Energy Map service will save a lot of time on data gathering and immediately focus on an analysis you need to make decisions, continuously monitor, and promptly react to changes in the sector.

With this service, you will receive access to:

  • 420+ unique resources in a machine-readable format;
  • data from 38 official information controllers and market participants;
  • up-to-date and ready-to-use data;
  • automated information update tracking;
  • API.

Major features of the Energy Map:

  • all data located in one, easy-to-navigate place;
  • an analytical panel showing dynamics of key indicators;
  • search of company stats by company codes (EDRPOU);
  • English-language localization;
  • interactive learning schemes about the operation of the energy sector.


Work of the Energy Map in martial law

Following the introduction of martial law, a significant portion of energy sector data has been designated as information with restricted access. Given these circumstances, the data update on the Energy Map is carried out on all available open directions from European and Ukrainian data controllers.

Given the state of war, the Dixi Group and Energy Map team has focused on preparing daily (until 24.03.2023) and weekly analytical reports ‘DiXi Group alert’, analyzing the state and functioning of the Ukrainian energy sector in times of war. The reports are available at link.

Definition of terms:

  • Dataset: a collection of structured same-type data concerning a particular topic. It may consist of one resource or a group of separate but closely-related resources run by different information controllers and different data structures and/or itemization.
  • Resource: a table with data structured in a machine-readable format.

IMPORTANT! You are permitted to use the Energy Map’s entire content, subject to observance of DiXi Group’s all copyrights and intellectual property rights. The copyright holder’s consent is not required for the public use of its content. Still, an indication of the source is obligatory: a signature and a hyperlink to the Energy Map webpage featuring this content. For detailed information, go to the Terms of service of the Energy Map service.

Donors and partners

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The website is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of DiXi Group and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.