Information on changes in electricity tariffs for households occurred from 2012 to 2023. The tariffs were clarified by consumer group, location, and volume of electricity consumption.

In addition, if there is metering of electricity consumption for periods of time, consumer settlements are made at a fixed price using coefficients (at the consumer's choice):

1) by two-zone differentiation by periods:

  • 0.5 fixed price from 11 pm to 7 am;
  • full fixed price at other hours of the day.

2) by three-zone differentiation by periods:

  • 1.5 fixed price from 8 am to 11 am and from 8 pm to 10 pm;
  • 0.4 fixed price from 11 pm to 7 am;
  • full fixed price at other hours of the day.
Update date 27.01.2025 Not regularly
Data for period 01.10.2012 - 30.04.2025
Organization NEURC, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Information on the structure of tariffs for electricity supply services for each Universal Service Supplier (USS), which is set by the NEURC together with tariffs for electricity supply. Key indicators are: cost components that are included in the tariff calculation and costs in the current tariff.

Update date 16.01.2025 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025
Organization NEURC

The file contains information on district heating tariffs for different categories of consumers (households, budgetary institutions, religious organizations, and other consumers) according to the data of regional and Kyiv city military administrations. The tariffs are differentiated depending on the maintenance of central and individual heating stations, as well as commercial metering units.

Update date 16.01.2025 Not regularly
Data for period 01.12.2024 - 01.12.2024
Organization Ministry of Infrastructure

Information on tariffs for electricity supply services for each Universal Service Supplier (USS) and information on the NEURC resolutions that regulate the setting of appropriate tariffs.

The tariff is calculated in accordance with the tariff structure established by the NEURC, and the tariff includes economically justified costs and calculated profit.

Update date 16.01.2025 Not regularly
Data for period 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2025
Organization NEURC
Information on retail prices of natural gas on regulated and non-regulated segments of natural gas market for different consumer categories - households, industrial consumers, public entities, religious organizations and district heat enterprises.
Update date 13.01.2025 Quarterly
Data for period 01.01.2018 - 01.09.2024
Organization NEURC
According to the Law of Ukraine "On the Electricity Market", the tariff for the services of the supplier of last resort (SLR) is determined on the basis of the results of the competition. Considering that no such competition has been held to date, the tariff for the services of the temporarily appointed SE Ukrinterenergo is established by the NEURC in accordance with the approved methodology, which takes into account the cost-effective costs associated with the special operating regime and the risks of operations, as well as profit margins. The estimated period for fixing tariffs is the calendar quarter. The tariff for SLR services for the estimated period is calculated and established by NEURC on the basis of data on actual electricity prices on the day-ahead market for the first two months of the base period, which are determined by "Market Operator".
Update date 13.01.2025 Quarterly
Data for period 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2025
Organization NEURC

Information on the price of electricity for households in the capitals of the European countries. The prices are indicated in foreign currency (euro cents) and are transferred at the official exchange rate of the hryvnia, established by the National Bank of Ukraine for the respective settlement period.

Update date 09.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2024
Organization Household Energy Price Index (HEPI)

Information on the price of natural gas for households in the capitals of the European countries. The prices are indicated in foreign currency (euro cents) and are transferred at the official exchange rate of the hryvnia, established by the National Bank of Ukraine for the respective settlement period.

Update date 09.01.2025 Monthly
Data for period 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2024
Organization Household Energy Price Index (HEPI)
Information regarding the weighted average tariffs for transmission and supply of heat produced from natural gas, for the needs of the population and institutions and organizations funded from the state or local budget in Ukraine.
Update date 25.12.2024 Quarterly
Data for period 26.12.2018 - 20.12.2024
Organization SAEE
Information regarding the weighted average tariffs for heat produced from natural gas for the needs of the population and institutions and organizations funded from the state or local budget by regions.
Update date 24.12.2024 Quarterly
Data for period 26.12.2018 - 20.12.2024
Organization SAEE

Information on the average price (including all taxes and levies) for natural gas for household and non-household consumers in Ukraine and other European countries. Prices are differentiated depending on the annual consumption of natural gas and are presented separately in heat units (euro/GJ) and in units of energy (euro/kWh).

Update date 22.11.2024 Semiannually
Data for period 01.01.2007 - 30.06.2024
Organization Eurostat

Information on the average price (including all taxes and levies) for electricity for household and non-household consumers in Ukraine and other European countries. Prices are differentiated depending on annual electricity consumption.

Update date 21.11.2024 Semiannually
Data for period 01.01.2007 - 30.06.2024
Organization Eurostat

Information on excise tax on fuel established in Ukraine since 2011.

Tax rates are determined by subparagraph 215.3.4 of Article 215 of the Tax Code of Ukraine and are set for different groups of goods according to the Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity (UCG FEA).

Update date 31.10.2024 Not regularly
Data for period 01.01.2011 - 01.01.2028
Organization Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

Information about the total volume of fuelwood sold in Ukraine, the total cost and average price of one cubic meter of wood. The term "fuel wood" includes timber used as fuel for cooking, heating, or energy production, timber from main trunks, branches, and other parts of trees, the timber used to produce charcoal, pellets, and other agglomerates, and wood obtained from roundwood directly from the forest to be used as fuel.

The data are not included the temporarily occupied territory of AR Crimea, Sevastopol and part of the temporarily occupied territories in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Update date 30.05.2024 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2023
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information on gas prices components for household and non-household consumers in Ukraine and other European countries, differentiated depending on annual natural gas consumption.

Update date 27.05.2024 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2023
Organization Eurostat

Information about the cost components in the structure of weighted average heat tariffs by consumer category for NEURC licensees.

Since 08.07.2021, the authority to regulate the activities of all heat supply enterprises, in particular in the area of tariff setting, has been transferred to the local level. Accordingly, the structure of weighted average heat tariffs for 2021 was submitted as of 07.07.2021.

Update date 01.08.2022 Archive
Data for period 01.01.2014 - 07.07.2021
Organization NEURC

By the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 474 of 14 May 2021 the Government introduced the ceiling prices of diesel and gasoline. The respective prices were calculated every 10 days based on the data on average value of 1 liter of ULSD 10 ppm and 1 liter of GASOLINE 10 ppm gasoline provided by Platts Agency. The final price includes the maximum trade margin of 7 UAH for diesel and 5 UAH for gasoline as well, as customs duties and VAT.

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers № 594 of 17 May 2022 passed a decision to refuse state regulation of fuel prices. Accordingly, from the date of entry into force of the Resolution (May 20, 2022), operators of filling stations independently set the cost of gasoline and diesel.

Update date 26.05.2022 Archive
Data for period 14.05.2021 - 14.05.2022
Organization Ministry for Development of Economy of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22
Information on weighted average prices of natural gas itemized by consumer groups (household/non-household). Categories are broken down by volumes of their yearly gas consumption. For each group of consumers, the number of consumers is indicated as well as amount of their consumption in energy and volume units and weighted average price of gas including and excluding VAT.
Update date 14.10.2021 Semiannually
Data for period 01.07.2017 - 30.06.2021
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22
Information on average electricity prices for household and non-household consumers, broken down by defined standard groups, for annual consumption in Ukraine as a whole. In addition, the number of consumers in standard groups and the amount of electricity actually consumed are indicated.
Update date 07.10.2021 Semiannually
Data for period 01.01.2018 - 30.06.2021
Organization State Statistics Service of Ukraine

Information on the structure of expenditures for the thermal energy production, transportation, and supply for the needs of the population, budgetary institutions, religious organizations and other consumers, as established by the relevant NEURC resolutions. Such expenditures include fuel costs, plant technology requirements, labour costs, heat transportation, financial costs and estimated profits. Part of the above-mentioned cost elements and the planned sales of thermal energy for each licensee is equal to the amount of the set heat tariffs.

Since 08.07.2021, the authority to regulate the activities of all heat supply enterprises, in particular in the area of tariff setting, has been transferred to the local level.

Update date 04.10.2021 Archive
Data for period 18.03.2020 - 01.02.2021
Organization NEURC

Information on double-rate tariffs for heat energy, calculated by licensees and set by the NEURC separately for the households, budget institutions, religious organizations and other consumers.

Since 08.07.2021, the authority to regulate the activities of all heat supply enterprises, in particular in the area of tariff setting, has been transferred to the local level.

The double-rate tariff is the cost of a unit (1 Gcal) of heat energy sold to consumers and is divided into the conditionally variable (payment for actually consumed heat energy) and conditionally fixed (subscriber fee) parts of the tariff. The principle of the two-rate tariff is simple: the amount that heat consumers must pay in the heating season is divided into equal installments throughout the year, thereby reducing the financial burden on consumers.

Update date 24.09.2021 Archive
Data for period 01.07.2014 - 01.02.2021
Organization NEURC

Information on single-rate tariffs for heat energy, calculated by licensees and set by the NEURC separately for households, public institutions, religious organizations and other consumers.

Since 08.07.2021, the authority to regulate the activities of all heat supply enterprises, in particular in the area of tariff setting, has been transferred to the local level.

The single-rate tariff is the cost of a unit (1 Gcal) of heat energy sold to consumers and is paid according to the volumes consumed during the heating season.

Update date 24.09.2021 Archive
Data for period 01.07.2014 - 01.02.2021
Organization NEURC
Archived information regarding end prices for natural gas for household consumers and their elements, such as: price for natural gas as a commodity, tariff for gas transmission via trunk pipelines (set by the NEURC for gas TSO), tariff for gas distribution via gas distribution networks (set by the NEURC separately for every gas DSO), and gas supply tariff (cannot exceed 2.5% of the price for gas as a commodity). This dataset contains monthly data itemized by gas DSOs for the period from May 2019 to July 2020. Taking into account the establishment of retail gas market and consequently free pricing of natural gas, the structure of the dataset is irrelevant and that's why it is archived.
Update date 24.09.2021 Archive
Data for period 01.05.2019 - 31.07.2020
Organization Naftogaz of Ukraine

The file contains the average annual values of electricity supply tariffs, i.e., one indicator per year for each consumer class.

Update date 24.09.2021 Archive
Data for period 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2018
Organization NEURC
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on prices for universal services for small non-household consumers, which are included in the category of consumers of universal services. The data are presented in the context of Universal Service Suppliers (USS) and Distribution System Operators (DSO), to the networks to which the consumers of the relevant USS are connected. The category and class of consumers are also specified.

Update date 24.09.2021 Annually
Data for period 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2020
Organization NEURC
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