Information on the amount of the service cost to ensure an increase in the share of electricity production from alternative sources provided by the SE Guaranteed Buyer to the system operator Ukrenergo. The funds for the service provided are directed to settlements with producers under the green tariff and under the feed-in premium mechanism
Information on payments between the "Guaranteed Buyer" SE and electricity producers operating with "green" tariffs.
Information on the volume of paid funds of the Guaranteed Buyer SE to producers under the "green" tariff. The amount of debt of NPC Ukrenergo to Guaranteed Buyer for the service on increasing the share of electricity from alternative sources is also specified.
Information on the amount of the service cost to ensure an increase in the share of electricity production from alternative sources. The service covers the difference between the price of electricity at the "green" tariff and the price on the Day-Ahead Market (DAM) and is calculated according to paragraph 13 of the NEURC Resolution No. 641 of 26.04.2019. The service is provided by the Universal Service Suppliers (USS) to consumers and is compensated by the NPC "Ukrenergo".
Information on the level of payment of the households for the utilities consumed and the debt stock by regions and types of services. The types of services include heating and hot water supply, cold water supply and sewerage, and waste management. The information is provided by the regional and Kyiv city military administrations.
Information on payments for supplied electricity by region, supplier (oblenergo), and consumer category.
Information on the population payment level for housing and communal services: accrued and paid amounts, debt and information on the state of payment by the population of the restructured debt for housing and communal services from a regional perspective.
Debt restructuring is the equal distribution of debt for services rendered for up to 60 months.
Information on the level of payment of the population for the housing and communal services consumed and the debt stock by regions and types of services.
The absence of debt values means that the data controller has marked the data as confidential. As a result, it is not possible to calculate the total value for Ukraine independently, but it is available in the general file about population debts for payment of housing and communal services in Ukraine by link.
Information on the amount of debts of the population for payment of housing and communal services for Ukraine as a whole, indicating the types of services.
Information on the level of payment for electricity purchased by electricity supply licensees at the regulated tariff on the wholesale electricity market (WEM). The data include payments for the current period, including surcharges for 14 days of the next period.
Information on the structure of debts for electricity consumed to licensees for electric power supply at a regulated tariff by economic sectors.
Information on the level of payment for electricity consumed by industrial, municipal, budgetary consumers, and the households in terms of companies supplying electricity.
Information on electricity settlements of consumers at the regulated tariff and power supply companies for electricity purchased on the wholesale market, taking into account the repayment of debts of previous periods.