Information on single-rate tariffs for heat energy, calculated by licensees and set by the NEURC separately for households, public institutions, religious organizations and other consumers.

Since 08.07.2021, the authority to regulate the activities of all heat supply enterprises, in particular in the area of tariff setting, has been transferred to the local level.

The single-rate tariff is the cost of a unit (1 Gcal) of heat energy sold to consumers and is paid according to the volumes consumed during the heating season.

Update date 24.09.2021 Archive
Coverage period 01.07.2014 - 01.02.2021
Organization NEURC
Archived information regarding end prices for natural gas for household consumers and their elements, such as: price for natural gas as a commodity, tariff for gas transmission via trunk pipelines (set by the NEURC for gas TSO), tariff for gas distribution via gas distribution networks (set by the NEURC separately for every gas DSO), and gas supply tariff (cannot exceed 2.5% of the price for gas as a commodity). This dataset contains monthly data itemized by gas DSOs for the period from May 2019 to July 2020. Taking into account the establishment of retail gas market and consequently free pricing of natural gas, the structure of the dataset is irrelevant and that's why it is archived.
Update date 24.09.2021 Archive
Coverage period 01.05.2019 - 31.07.2020
Organization Naftogaz of Ukraine

The file contains the average annual values of electricity supply tariffs, i.e., one indicator per year for each consumer class.

Update date 24.09.2021 Archive
Coverage period 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2018
Organization NEURC
Temporary not updated since 24.02.22

Information on prices for universal services for small non-household consumers, which are included in the category of consumers of universal services. The data are presented in the context of Universal Service Suppliers (USS) and Distribution System Operators (DSO), to the networks to which the consumers of the relevant USS are connected. The category and class of consumers are also specified.

Update date 24.09.2021 Annually
Coverage period 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2020
Organization NEURC
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