Information on the weighted average price for natural gas as of given date based on the results of trading at UEEX. Prices include VAT.
On the UEEX website, from July 1, 2022, prices will be published without VAT (until the specified date, prices will be published with VAT included). In the file, prices are calculated and include VAT.
Information regarding the weighted average price for natural gas in a particular month, based on the results of trading at UEEX. Prices include VAT.
On the UEEX website, from July 1, 2022, prices will be published without VAT (until the specified date, prices will be published with VAT included). In the file, prices are calculated and include VAT.
Results of electronic exchange trades conducted at the Ukrainian Energy Exchange (UEEX) in the direction of natural gas. Key indicators include: information about auction participants, initial, minimum, maximum and average weighted price, formed as a result of trades, payment and transportation conditions of the resource and other information received from bulletins (bulletin of the weighted average prices and exchange bulletin).
Information on the debts of district heating enterprises (TKE) for natural gas supplied by Naftogaz JSC. In particular, the resources contains USREOU code of the debtor and amount of debt as well as debts accrued since the beginning of reporting year. Data is cumulative. Note, that the resource contains information only regarding the biggest debtors, that's why regional debt values containing in the resource "Debts of TKE enterprises to Naftogaz of Ukraine JSC (by regions)" do not match respective aggregated values of these resource.
The data is historical as it is related to the debts under supply contacts, concluded before the three year supply contracts of Gas Supply Company "Naftogaz Trading.
Information on debts of district heating enterprises (TKE) for natural gas supplied by Naftogaz JSC. The data is cumulative and itemized by regions. The resource contains total debt as of given date and arrears accrued since the beginning of reporting year.
The data is historical as it is related to the debts under supply contacts, concluded before the three year supply contracts of Gas Supply Company "Naftogaz Trading.